
Yacon Syrup Plus Weight Loss Review of Benefits From Yacon Syrup Plus

1 24.08.2014
Yacon Syrup Plus Weight Loss – http://is.gd/yaconsyrupplus - Review of Benefits from Yacon Syrup Plus.

Weight loss is probably the most searched niche on the Internet. We all know people who would like to lose weight, although shedding those unwanted pounds is easier said than done. Obese people should strive to achieve their desired weight the healthy and natural way. One of the better weight loss supplements that has recently been introduced is Yacon Syrup Plus.This amazing supplement will help make achieving their goal less challenging.

This supplement is one of the most searched for fat loss products today, and its increasing popularity is most likely attributed to the fact that it was featured on the TV show of a celebrated doctor. So how does it work to help people healthily shed unwanted pounds?


The real secret behind Yacon Syrup Plus is related to the presence of fructooligosaccharides (FOS). Fructooligosaccharides are the primary ingredient of Yacon Syrup making for up to 40-50% of its constituents. The interesting thing about fructooligosaccharides is that they cannot be broken down by the human digestive system, because of their unique molecular arrangement. It is because of the indigestible fructooligosaccharides and inulin fiber that Yacon syrup is a healthy metabolism enhancer.

Since fructooligosaccharides are not digested, they pass through to the large intestine unaltered, where your healthy bacteria in the digestive tract dine on them. This results in an increase in the number of these healthy bacteria, which are required for a healthy human gut. Fructooligosaccharides in the human gut results in improved digestion, and reduction in appetite. Yacon Syrup contributes to improved metabolic activity and supports an anti-obesity trend in the body.

Is Yacon Syrup Effective?
The many claims about the effectiveness of Yacon Syrup in improving body’s metabolism and weight loss are primarily based on the results of a placebo-based clinical trial conducted on as many as 55 obese women with previous history of medical conditions such as constipation and increased cholesterol levels. The women were divided into two groups, one groups was administered Yacon Syrup on a regular basis, while the other was put on a normal low-fat diet. At the end of 120 days, women in from the Yacon Syrup group had lost an average of 33 pounds. The placebo group had an average increase of 3.5 pounds.

From this study, the following observations were made about the benefits of Yacon Syrup:

• Regular consumption of Yacon Syrup leads to improvements in metabolic rate and body weight
• Results in reduction of Body Mass Index
• Enhances insulin resistance in the body
• Causes a decrease in the LDL or bad cholesterol levels in the body.

With Yacon Syrup Plus, you should be able to reduce your weight naturally and also benfit from the other health benefits it possesses.
No matter what diet you are on it is wise to eat healthy and do some exercising. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and avoid fatty and junk foods.
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