
Iceland: Assange has no chance for fair trial in UK - Wikileaks Editor-in-chief *PARTNER CONTENT*

0 23.09.2019
SOT, Kristinn Hrafnsson, editor-in-chief of Wikileaks: "Everything is attempted to increase his isolation. He has been spending most of the time in his cell, in de facto solitary confinement, which is horrible. This has somewhat changed in the last few days or a couple of weeks but it’s still a very severe situation.”
SOT, Kristinn Hrafnsson, editor-in-chief of Wikileaks: "This was not supposed to be a bail hearing. There have been no preparation for that.”
SOT, Kristinn Hrafnsson, editor-in-chief of Wikileaks: "This was a mere formality, this day in court. So, this is extraordinary. Of course, the lawyers were not prepared to, actually, put forward arguments for his bail.”
SOT, Kristinn Hrafnsson, editor-in-chief of Wikileaks: "Of pivotal importance for Julian Assange is to get out of Belmarsh, at least to get out of this situation. How on Earth there is a person who is in solitary, almost the entire day, with very little access to information, how can he prepare for the biggest and most important court case in his lifetime, the extradition hearing in late February. This is a question of life and death, this hearing, and only, and I can inform you here that about two weeks ago that it was the first time when the lawyers were able to leave documents with him to read and study. For five months, he has not had that accesses. This is absurd.”
SOT, Kristinn Hrafnsson, editor-in-chief of Wikileaks: "But this goes to show, I mean, and supports what Nils Melzer the United Nations special rapporteur on torture said about how corrupt and how infested the entire system in the UK, including judiciary and the media has become when it comes to Julian Assange. We have seen it before and UK courts earlier this year and this sort of confirmation that, what Nils Melzer said, [it] seems to be true that Julian Assange does not have a chance of a fair trial in United Kingdom."
Wikileaks Editor-in-chief Kristinn Hrafnsson condemned Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange’s detention conditions while speaking in an interview with RT UK's Going Underground from Reykjavik on Monday.
Hrafnsson explained that Assange is “spending most of the time in his cell, in de facto solitary confinement.”
Hrafnsson pointed out that Assange’s upcoming extradition hearing in February is “a question of life and death,” and said that lawyers were only able to leave documents with Assange to prepare for his hearing “two weeks ago.”
“But this goes to show, I mean, and supports what Nils Melzer the United Nations special rapporteur on torture said about how corrupt and how infested the entire system in the UK, including judiciary and the media has become when it comes to Julian Assange. We have seen it before and UK courts earlier this year and this sort of confirmation that, what Nils Melzer said, [it] seems to be true that Julian Assange does not have a chance of a fair trial in United Kingdom," Hrafnsson added.
Assange, who is currently serving a 50-week jail sentence at London’s HM Belmarsh Prison for breaching his bail conditions, will face a US extradition hearing in February on charges of espionage.
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