
USA: 'We'd certainly like to avoid' war with Iran - Trump on Saudi oil attacks

0 17.09.2019
W/S US President Donald Trump speaking to press alongside Bahrain Crown Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Oval Office, White House, Washington D.C.
SOT, Journalist: "Mr President, have you seen evidence, proof, that Iran was behind the attack in Saudi Arabia?"
Donald Trump, US President: "Well, it's looking that way. We'll have some pretty good - we're having some very strong studies done, but it's certainly looking that way at this moment. And we'll let you know. As soon as we find out definitively, we'll let you know. But it does look that way."
SOT, Donald Trump, US President: "Do I want war? I don't want war with anybody. I am somebody that would like not to have war. We have the strongest military in the world. We've spent more than a trillion and a half dollars in the last short period of time on our military. Nobody has even come close. We have the best equipment in the world. We have the best missiles. And as you say, you just bought the Patriot system."
Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Bahrain Crown Prince: "We did."
Donald Trump, US President: "There's nothing even close. But, no, I don't want war with anybody. But we're prepared more than anybody. Two and a half years ago, I will tell you, it was not the same thing. And with what we've done, we've totally rebuilt our military in so many different ways, but we've rebuilt it. And there's nobody - it has the F-35. We have the best fighter jets, the best rockets, the best missiles, the best equipment. But with all of that being said, we'd certainly like to avoid it."
SOT, Donald Trump, US President: "The United States is more prepared than any country in the history of - in any history, if we have to go that way. As to whether or not we go that way, we'll see. We have to find out definitively who did it. We have to speak to Saudi Arabia. They have to have a lot of - they have to have a lot in the game also. And, you know, they're willing to do that. I think everybody knows they're willing to do that. So we'll be meeting with Saudi Arabia. We'll be talking to Saudi Arabia. We'll be talking to UAE and many of the neighbours out there that we're very close friends with. We're also talking to Europe, a lot of the countries that we're dealing with - whether it's France, Germany, et cetera. Talking to a lot of different folks. And we're figuring out what they think. But I will tell you, that was a very large attack, and it could be met with an attack many, many times larger, very easily, by our country. But we're going to find out who definitively did it, first."
SOT, Journalist: "So you said that you think that Iran is responsible for the attack. Do you think that the attack...?"
Donald Trump, US President: "I didn't say that. Why do you say that?"
Journalist: "You said, you said that you think you might...?"
Donald Trump, US President: "I said that we think we know who it was, but I didn't say anybody.
Journalist: "And then you said it was Iran."
Donald Trump, US President: "But, certainly, it would look to most like it was Iran, but I did not say it the way you said. Go."
SOT, Journalist: "So do you think it was launched from Iran, is the second question."
Donald Trump, US President: "You're going to find out in great detail in the very near future. We have the exact locations of just about everything. You're going to find out at the right time. But it's too early to tell you that now."
SOT, Journalist: "Do you want to release the oil reserves to help cushion the oil prices that are rising now?"
Donald Trump, US President: "Well, they haven't risen very much. And we have the Strategic Oil Reserves, which are massive. And we can release a little bit of that. And other countries, including Bahrain - but other countries can be a little bit more generous with the oil, and you'd bring it right down."
M/S Trump and Al Khalifa
US President Donald Trump stated that "it's certainly looking" like Iran was behind recent attacks on Saudi Arabia's oil facilities, when speaking to the press alongside Bahrain Crown Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington D.C. on Monday.
When asked if he believed Iran had carried out the attacks, Trump said that "it's certainly looking that way at this moment," adding that "as soon as we find out definitively, we'll let you know. But it does look that way."
The US president said he doesn't want war with Iran; however, noting that his country "is more prepared than any country" due to "the best fighter jets, the best rockets, the best missiles."
"With all of that being said, we'd certainly like to avoid it," added Trump.
The drone attacks took place on September 14 at an oil processing facility in Abqaiq and the Khurais oil field, effectively disrupting half of Saudi Arabia's oil reserves. Houthi militants operating in Yemen claimed responsibility for the attack. However, US authorities have accused Iran of the attacks, which Iran has rejected.
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