
Blind Guardian - The Ninth Wave // Official Live Video

14 07.07.2017
"The Ninth Wave"

As dark night embraces

We are the nation
I will cleanse all your thoughts
We will cleanse them all
Now, my children
For the sake of our nation
Let us carry on
In glory
When dark night embraces

We are the nation
Be my fellowmen
We will wipe them out
Let there be light
For the sake of our nation
Precious and bright
When dark night embraces my mind

A twisted plan
After all
Despite all burden
Life has grown
And though the curse is still alive

File 664
The golden age's vanished and more
The ingenious knight knows it's over
He no longer denies there's a real me
He'll be disgraced

Burnt and sealed
They may end
As we will rule the world
Defeat the dying old Crow
Let this fire burn

Sail on till you reach the promised land
We all drown in the fifth dimension
The ninth wave
I can feel it's coming
The ninth wave

Sail on till you reach the promised land
We all wait for a new tomorrow
We'll bring a new age
Along with the final wave
The final wave
We will rise

Burn them all, bring the damned
There's a price to pay
Burn them all, bring the damned
Do as I command
Our praise and triumph will grow
We'll defy the Nine
Delete the dying old Crow

To Muriel's fire, walk with me

Down to the Abaddon
Will you walk with me to the Sheol?
Good or bad we all meet the Abaddon
Take a look and you see it's all the same

Exterminate them
Exterminate them

An evil revelation
A wicked thought
Denied by their savior
They all prayed for
There are no gods
So no one can save them
They will redeem Belial
They will unite them all
Then many men will fall
When they will heed the call
So they'll be free
Before the final curtain falls
Bring the cursed
Bring the damned
As we will rule the world
They'll seek the dying old Crow
Let this fire burn

Sail on till you reach the promised land
We all drown in the fifth dimension
The ninth wave
I can feel it's coming
The ninth wave

Sail on till you reach the promised land
We all wait for a new tomorrow
We'll bring a new age
Reborn as aeon gods
As aeon gods
We'll break through

Further down you'll walk with me

Down to seal Avalon
Will you walk with me to the fire?
Further down we come to seal Avalon
Take a look and you see it's all the same

Exterminate them
Exterminate them

There is no real salvation
We will wipe them out
And nothing remains here
As we don't need salvation
We will not fade
Forever we'll stay here

Screams come from the inside
The king is gone, but
This war is not over

Burnt and sealed they may end
As we will rule the world
Delete the dying old Crow
Let this fire burn

Sail on till you reach the promised land
We all drown in the fifth dimension
The ninth wave
I can feel it's coming
The ninth wave

Sail on till you reach the promised land
We all wait for a new tomorrow
We'll bring a new age
Reborn as aeon gods
As aeon gods
We'll break through

On Tour:
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