
China: US falls to China's third biggest trade partner - Customs spokesperson

2 14.10.2019
W/S Spokesperson and Director General of Department of Statistics & Analysis of the General Administration of Customs Mr. Li Kuiwen arriving
SOT Mr. Li Kuiwen, Spokesperson and Director General of Department of Statistics & Analysis of the General Administration of Customs, (Mandarin): "Trade with the EU and ASEAN, China's two biggest trade partners, reached RMB 3.57 trillion and 3.14 trillion [respectively], with an increase of 8.6 percent and 11.5 percent, accounting for 15.6 percent and 13.7 percent of the total trade, respectively. Trade with the US dropped 10.3 percent to RMB 2.75 trillion."
W/S Journalists
C/U Journalist typing
W/S Journalist asking question
SOT Mr. Li Kuiwen, Spokesperson and Director General of Department of Statistics & Analysis of the General Administration of Customs, (Mandarin): "In US dollars, in the first three seasons, the amount is $402.36 billion and deceased 14.8 percent compared to the same period last year. China's exports to US is $312 billion, decreasing 10.7 percent, while China's imports from the US is $90.6 billion, decreasing 26.4 percent. The trade frictions bring pressure on China's trade. Although the trade between China and the US has decreased, China's foreign trade is growing in the first three seasons and the world looks to further increase on the potential of China's market."
W/S Journalist with hand up
M/S Journalist asking question
W/S Journalist asking question
SOT Mr. Li Kuiwen, Spokesperson and Director General of Department of Statistics & Analysis of the General Administration of Customs, (Mandarin): "We have noticed that the US became the third biggest trade partner of China. We hope the trade between China and the US can be as sunny as today's weather. We hope the trade between the two countries can develop healthily."
W/S Leaving
Chinese Customs spokesperson Li Kuiwen announced during a press conference in Beijing, Monday, that trade between China and the US dropped 10.3 percent to RMB 2.75 trillion, with the US dropping to the only the third biggest trade partner of China.
Meanwhile, trade with the EU and ASEAN, China's two biggest trade partners, reached RMB 3.57 trillion and 3.14 trillion, increasing by 8.6 percent and 11.5 percent respectively.
Although the US-led trade war has put pressure on China, China's foreign trade has grown in the first three seasons. As Li stated, China's stable domestic economy had a strong cushion against external challenges.
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