
Spain: Protesters rally outside Brazilian consulate over Bolsonaro’s handling of wildfires

0 24.08.2019
W/S Activists protesting outside Brazilian consulate, Barcelona
M/S Climate activists chanting (Spanish): "Bolsonaro, resign!"
M/S Activists chanting (Spanish): "Out Bolsonaro!" *Upsound*
SOT, Jennifer Rooch Nairobis, Spokesperson for the Extinction Rebellion Movement: "We are here to demonstrate against the no action of the politicians and the media in front of the fires in the Amazon. We are also planning a big global movement on the seventh of October in Madrid, in Paris, in London, in Sydney, in New York, in Berlin and I don't know where else. This is going to be an international strike an international blockage all over the world and in every major city, and yeah we want the media and the politicians to tell the truth we want them to act. And we would like to change the system a little so please join us we are the Extinction Rebellion, please join us for the seventh of October."
M/S Activists holding sign reading (Spanish): 'Exploitation = Extinction.'
C/U Activist chanting (Spanish): "Bolsonaro resign!" *UPSOUND*
M/S Activists chanting (Spanish): "We want a future!" *UPSOUND* and holding signs
C/U Protester shouting (Spanish): "We have to fight for life. Do not stay at home watching what they are told. They are few and cowardly!" *UPSOUND*
C/U Sign reading (Spanish): 'International aid for the Amazon.'
M/S Activists chanting (Spanish): "Out Bolsonaro!" *UPSOUND*
M/S Protester holding sign reading (Spanish): 'Bolsonaro is an environmental criminal.'
C/U Sign reading (Portugese): 'The power of life, and the power of nature save the planet.'
SOT, Zoila, Protester from Peru, (Spanish): "This has been going on for more than 15 days. How can it be possible for a president to let so many days go by to start his cabinet? And what about the Brazilian people and the people who live in the Amazon, who will repair it?"
C/U Sign reading (Spanish): 'Protection for the indigenous people and their land.'
C/U Activist wearing mask
W/S Activists gathered around signs
C/U Activist holding sign reading: 'If you breathe air, you should care!'
SOT, Climate Activist (Catalan): ""We ask Brazil to please tell the truth about the climate emergency. That the measures be applied. That the emissions be neutralised. And that citizen assemblies be created to guarantee a real democracy."
C/U Sign reading: 'Imagine if trees gave us Wi-Fi and not just the air we breathe'
W/S Activists gathered
M/S Brazilian consulate building
Hundreds of protesters from the ‘Extinction Rebellion’ and ‘Fridays for Future’ movements gathered outside the Brazilian consulate in Barcelona on Friday to protest against the Brazilian government and President Jair Bolsonaro’s handling of the recent wildfires raging across the Amazon rainforest. Demonstrations also took place outside the Brazilian embassies in Dublin, London and Paris.
Footage shows environmental activists holding signs saying 'Bolsonaro is an environmental criminal' and could be heard chanting 'Bolsonaro resign!'
Climate activists blame Bolsonaro’s environment policies and his support for logging and land clearing in the Amazon for the recent spate of wildfires. The Brazilian President has accused international non-governmental organisations for starting the fires themselves to damage the Brazilian government’s image.
Brazil's National Institute for Space Research reported on Thursday that wildfires were spreading with a record speed saying its data showed an 84 percent increase in fires compared to the same period last year.
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