
Lebanon: Fires burn in Beirut as protests continue into second day

10 19.10.2019
M/S Fire in road, Beirut
M/S Child throwing tire into fire
M/S Fire in road
W/S Fire burning in road
M/S Protesters dragging road sign
M/S People walking past fire
W/S Mohammad Al-Amin Mosque and fire burning below
W/S Fires on road and traffic jam, Beirut
M/S Road blocked by debris
W/S Road blocked by debris
M/S Protester wearing flag of Lebanon
SOT, Protester (Arabic): "I came to the demonstration because half of Lebanon was burned in the last two days, and no one bothered to defend the Civil Defense, the Red Cross and the army, and now there are those who want to take away their rights. We burned, everything that happened to us was because of them, we want to remove them and we have no difference if whatever happens."
M/S Protesters walking by *CUTAWAY*
SOT, Protester (Arabic): "We have a single demand, toppling the government does not satisfy us, we want to put these corrupt in prison and return the looted money, and to rule the military."
M/S Protesters gathered
M/S Protesters waving the flag of Lebanon
M/S Protesters
M/S Protesters waving the flag of Lebanon
M/S Protesters throwing road sign to ground
W/S Protesters gathered
Protesters continued to set fires and block roads in Beirut as demonstrations against the Lebanon's current economic situation and new tax proposals carried on into their second straight day on Friday.
Footage shows a number of fires burning in the streets and several roads blocked by debris.
"We have a single demand, toppling the government does not satisfy us, we want to put these corrupt in prison and return the looted money," one protester said at the demonstration.
Lebanon's current demonstrations are believed to be the country's biggest since 2015, as protesters seek to highlight deteriorating living conditions, austerity measures, capital flight and the rise of the deficit and public debt.
The heavily-indebted Lebanese government unveiled several new measures to raise revenue in an attempt to balance their large budget deficit on Thursday, which helped spark the protests. They included a tax of 20 cents per day for calls made through the Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), such as WhatsApp and Facebook calls. The proposal was later withdrawn.
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