
USA: Rashida Tlaib cries in response to Israel travel restrictions

4 20.08.2019
W/S Minnesota State Capitol, Saint Paul
W/S Journalists wait for press conference
W/S Journalists seated, cameras on tripods
M/S US Congresswomen Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib enter press conference
W/S Journalists seated, cameras on tripods
W/S Tlaib and Omar standing at podium
SOT, Ilhan Omar, US Congresswoman: "Contrary to many media reports and the statements of the Israeli Prime Minister, I planned to meet directly with members of the Knesset and Israeli security along with Palestinian civil society groups, former IDF soldiers, Israel, Palestinian and international organisations and United Nations officials."
W/S Journalists seated, cameras on tripods
SOT, Ilhan Omar, US Congresswoman: "Netanyahu's decision to deny us entry might be unprecedented for members of congress, but it is the policy of his government when it comes to Palestinians. This is the policy of his government when it comes to anyone who holds views that threaten the occupation."
M/S Aides stood up
SOT, Rashida Tlaib, US Congresswoman: "As a young girl visiting Palestine to visit my grandparents and extended family, I watched as my mother had to go through de-humanising checkpoints even though she was a United States citizen and proud American. I was there when my sitty [Arabic for grandmother] was in a terrible car accident and my cousins and I cried so she could have access to the best hospitals, which were in Jerusalem. I remember shaking with fear when checkpoints appeared in the small village Beit Ur al-Fauqa. Tanks and guns everywhere. I remember visiting East Jerusalem with my then husband and him escorted off the bus although he was a United States citizen, just so security forces could harass him."
M/S Journalists
SOT, Ilhan Omar, US Congresswoman: "And we are going to fight this administration and the oppressive Netanyahu administration until we take our last breath. Thank you."
Rashida Tlaib, US Congresswoman: "Thank you."
M/S Camerawoman takes photo, journalists seated and stood up
M/S Omar and Tlaib leave press conference
W/S Minnesota State Capitol
US Representative Rashida Tlaib teared up on Monday at an emotional press conference alongside Ilhan Omar at the Minnesota State Capitol in Saint Paul.
The pair, the first two Muslim women elected to Congress, spoke out after they were blocked from visiting Israel and came under criticism from US President Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Tlaib broke down when recalling her childhood in Palestine. "As a young girl visiting Palestine to visit my grandparents and extended family, I watched as my mother had to go through de-humanising checkpoints even though she was a United States citizen and proud American," she said.
"I was there when my sitty [Arabic for grandmother] was in a terrible car accident and my cousins and I cried so she could have access to the best hospitals, which were in Jerusalem."
On Thursday, Israel announced they would bar Tlaib and fellow representative Ilhan Omar from entering the country for a congressional visit, due to their support of the anti-Israeli Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement. Israel then agreed to allow Tlaib to enter the country on restrictive grounds, but the Michigan lawmaker refused.
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