
China: Beijing is 'on the same page' as US on trade talks progress - MoFA

2 15.10.2019
W/S Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Geng Shuang arriving at press conference, Beijing
W/S Presser
SOT, Geng Shuang, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson (Mandarin): "Yesterday, regarding the latest round of trade consultation, I already took some questions. They, the US side, is talking about the actual situation and that is the same as our understanding. The two sides regarding the issues on reaching the deal are on the same page. There is no difference. This economic and trade agreement will be of great significance. It will be good for China, US and the world. It will be good for economy, trade and peace."
M/S Geng at podium *CUTAWAY*
M/S Journalist *CUTAWAY*
SOT, Geng Shuang, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson (Mandarin): "China consistently opposes the use of military force in international relations. We believe all parties should follow the proposes and principles of the UN charter and solve the problem via political and diplomatic settlement under the framework of basic norms of international relations and international law. The sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity of Syria should be respected and upheld. We urge Turkey to stop the military action and come back to the right track of political settlement. At the same time, the anti- terror situation in Syria remains grave and military actions could lead to terrorists fleeing the region. Islamic State will take the opportunity to roll out. We urge Turkish side to take its responsibility and work with international community to flight against terrorism."
M/S Geng leaving as press conference concludes
Beijing is 'on the same page' as the US on the progress of trade talks between the two countries, according to Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Geng Shuang, who spoke in China's capital on Tuesday.
Geng stated that "the two sides regarding the issues on reaching the deal are on the same page. There is no difference. This economic and trade agreement will be of great significance. It will be good for China, US and the world. It will be good for economy, trade and peace."
US President Donald Trump on Friday announced a "substantial phase one deal" following talks in Washington between Vice-Premier Liu He, US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer, and US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin. High-level talks are scheduled to continue next week with an aim to finalise the deal ahead of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in Chile in November.
Geng also urged, "Turkey to stop the military action and come back to the right track of political settlement". He further added that "the sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity of Syria should be respected and upheld".
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