
Stay home! Reads Gazan artists' sand sculpture of solidarity for coronavirus victims

9 05.04.2020
W/S Carving in sand reading: "Stay home", Gaza City
M/S Sand carving
M/S Artist spray painting
C/U Artist spray painting
M/S Artist flattening surface
M/S Artist spray painting
C/U Artist spray painting
M/S Artists spray painting
C/U Artist spray painting Italian flag
M/S Artists spray painting
W/S Stay home message
W/S Beach
W/S Stay home message
M/S Panning shot of sand art
M/S Artist spray painting message
C/U Artist spray painting
W/S Artists preparing sand
SOT, Dorgham Krakeh, Artist (Arabic): "Today, we draw the flags of countries with the highest number of Coronavirus cases in the world on the sand. We carved the flags of Spain, Italy, France and China because they are the most-affected countries by the virus, and we wanted to provide something symbolic to show that we support them and with the will of Allah the virus will be eliminated from the world."
C/U Message reading: "Solidarity with the victims of the coronavirus" *CUTAWAY*
SOT, Dorgham Krakeh, Artist (Arabic): "The goal of the drawing is to deliver our message to people in the whole world that this virus is deadly and harmful and can lead to death very quickly. And with the will of Allah , our message will be correctly delivered that people should stay at home and not go out .. And like what I said: We have drawn the four countries that are most affected with coronavirus."
M/S Artwork on sand
SOT, Tamer Al-Deeb, Artist (Arabic): "The goal of the sculptures that we worked on today is to support the countries where the death rate has increased due to the Coronavirus, Spain, Italy, France and China .. We would like, from the Gaza Strip, to deliver a message to the world that with our simplest possibilities we can support those countries that suffer from the highest mortality rate .. and also we draw by sand STAY HOME to deliver a message to people around the world and in Gaza Strip that it is necessary to stay at home to prevent coronavirus spread .. We also wrote SOLIDARITY with the victims of coronavirus in the countries around the world."
W/S Artwork on sand
W/S Artwork
SOT, Tamer Al-Deeb, Artist (Arabic): "Today we carved out the phrase 'stay home' in order to deliver a message to the world and a message to the Gaza Strip that everyone should stay in their homes in order to protect ourselves from the spread of coronavirus. And we drew another sentence in solidarity with the victims of the countries worst-hit by the coronavirus.
M/S Italian and Chinese flags
W/S Artwork on sand
Palestinian artists Tamer al-Deeb and Dorgham Krakeh created a unique, coronavirus inspired sand sculpture with a message for the world to "stay home", on the beach in Gaza City on Wednesday.
The artists could be seen building the sculpture from scratch, beginning by flattening the sand, designing the flags and then finally, spray-painting the structure.
"Today, on the sand, we drew the flags of the countries which have suffered the most deaths worldwide due to coronavirus. We carved the flag of Spain, Italy, France and China because they are among the countries that have been most exposed to the coronavirus," explained Dorgham Krakeh, one of the artists.
"We would like to deliver a message to the world from the Gaza Strip. With the simplest possibilities we can support the countries where the number of deaths has increased," said Tamer Al-Deeb, the other artist in the duo.
The worldwide total for confirmed cases of COVID-19 has now surpassed 1.1 million. Across the globe, 61,625 have died since the outbreak began. The State of Palestine has reported 210 confirmed cases, with one person dying thus far.
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