
Intrepid Chinese swimwear designer invents product that protects against SUN and JELLYFISH

0 21.08.2019
W/S Swimmers on beach, Qingdao beach
M/S Swimmers wearing face-kini
M/S Swimmers walking on beach
M/S Swimmers on beach
W/S Swimmers in sea and on beach
M/S Swimmers in sea
C/U Swimmer wearing face-kini *NO SOUND AT SOURCE*
W/S Qingdao beach
M/S Inventor of Face Gini Zhang Fan adjusting her products
SOT, Zhang Fan, Inventor of Face Gini (Mandarin): Answering question: "Why did you design Face Gini, when was it designed?" - "Sometimes, some customers reported that they did not protect their faces and necks when they went to the seaside. So, research and development began in the second half of 2014, and it [Face Gini] was first produced in January 2015."
M/S Inventor of Face Gini Zhang Fan adjusting her product *CUTAWAY*
SOT, Zhang Fan, Inventor of Face Gini (Mandarin): Answering question: "What was the reaction to your new design?" - "We wore it to the seaside, everyone agreed that after seeing it they all said it was beautiful."
M/S Inventor of Face Gini Zhang Fan adjusting her product *CUTAWAY*
SOT, Zhang Fan, Inventor of Face Gini (Mandarin): Answering question: "What is your new design this year?" - "We now have a total of eight generations of products, this year's new style is the Western Regions [of China] style pattern."
M/S Inventor of Face Gini Zhang Fan adjusting her product
C/U Face Gini products
SOT, Zhang Fan, Inventor of Face Gini (Mandarin): Answering question: "What are the features of this year`s new design?" - "The new style is Western Regions [of China] style patterns, we use the Western region [of China] where they have beautiful clothing, and beautiful jewelry."
M/S Face Gini swimsuits
M/S Face Gini masks
C/U Face Gini masks
M/S Face Gini swimsuits
Zhang Fan, a Chinese swimwear designer based in Qingdao used to hear customers in her swimwear store complain that regular swimming caps provided inadequate protection for the neck and face from the sun and jellyfish stings, so she decided to start her own swimwear brand -Face Kini!
Footage filmed on Monday shows Zhang Fan showing off her designs and swimmers wearing her clothing at Qingdao beach.
Face Kini is designed to protect the neck, face and head while also serving as a stylish fashion statement. Full body swimsuits - called Face Gini- are also available in various snazzy designs.
First sold in 2005, Face Kini has become popular among health conscious swimmers, not only does it provide protection, but its designs have become more elaborate, incorporating patterns from traditional Chinese artistry.
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