
France: 'Yellow Vests' protesters hold Paris march

3 14.09.2019
W/S Yellow Vest protesters marching in Paris
M/S Protester bangs drum
C/U Banner reading 'Season 1, episode 44: thiefs, looters ... to the prison!
SOT, Denise, protester (French): "Originally, it looks nice, they [Yellow Vests] have demands, you can agree or not, as for me I share quite a big part of these, because there are too many people starving or who are close to it, and it's inadmissible in such a rich country as ours. There is no share in the wealth and this is just terrible. In addition, with the pension problem that lies ahead, it will only make worse the conditions of all those low-income people as they will have even less, because that's the goal pursued."
M/S Activist holding banner surrounded by police officers
M/S Protesters
W/S Protest participants in discussion
C/U Protesters shouting
W/S Protesters surrounded by police officers
W/S People marching
SOT, Alain, taxi driver (French): "Today there is an ADP [Aeroports de Paris- airports operator] action to let the people vote against the privatisation of Paris' airport. We as taxi drivers will have to pay every time we scan the card and cross the barrier. They have installed the barriers and you have to touch in with a card - and here they cheat on us because the tariff for Orly Airport- Paris city is 30 euros, and yesterday the tax tripled. Meanwhile we cannot triple our fees, it's metered. Sometimes we make just 30 euros for five hours, and we dont earn anything any more really. And if they privatise [the airports], we will pay to take a customer as well, so we will be dead!"
M/S Police patrolling the area
W/S Protesters chanting anti-Macron slogans
M/S Protesters holding banners
W/S Protesters leaving
'Yellow Vests' protesters marched in Paris, Saturday, to bring attention to a variety of grievances against the government.
Alain, a taxi driver participating in the rally, said he fears he and his colleagues "will be dead" economically, due to fees he said could increase were there to be any airport privatisations in Paris.
Another activist expressed concerns about the unequal distribution of wealth in France and said "too many people" were starving in the country. This she said was "inadmissible in such a rich country" as France.
Since the beginning of the protests last November, tens of thousands have joined demonstrations across France over a variety of grievances, ranging from the rise in fuel prices to income inequality. The rallies then turned into a wider movement against French President Emmanuel Macron's policies.
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