
France: UK PM Johnson is 'right man for the job' of Brexit says Trump

0 25.08.2019
SOT, Donald Trump, US President: "He needs no advice, he is the right man for the job. I've been saying that for a long time, didn't make your predecessor very happy but I have been saying it for a long time."
SOT, Donald Trump, US President: "We are going to do a very big trade deal, bigger than we have ever had with the UK and now they won't have, at some point they won't have the obstacle of, they won't have the anchor around their ankle, 'cause that's what they had so we are gonna have some very good trade talks."
SOT, Boris Johnson, UK Prime Minister: "I have memories of American trade negotiations in the past and I have a formidable respect for US trade negotiations. I know there will be some tough talks ahead because at the moment we still don't, I don't think we sell a single joint of British lamb to the United States, we don't sell any beef, we don't sell any pork pies and there are clearly huge opportunities for the UK to penetrate the American market."
SOT, Donald Trump, US President: "I think they respect the trade war, it has to happen, China has been, I can only speak for the United States, I can't say what they have been doing to the UK and other places, but from the standpoint of the United States what they have done is outrageous. That presidents and administrations allowed them to get away with taking hundreds of billions of dollars out every year, putting it into China."
SOT, Journalist: "Do you have second thoughts about escalating the [trade] war with China?
SOT, Donald Trump, US President: "I have second thoughts about everything."
SOT, Journalist: "Are you going to declare a national emergency on China?"
SOT, Donald Trump, US President: "Well I have the right to if I want, I could declare a national emergency, I think when they steal and take out and intellectual property theft. Anywhere from 300 billion to 500 billion dollars a year and when we have a total loss of almost a trillion dollars a year, for many years this has been going on. In many ways that's an emergency, I have no plan right now. Actually we're getting along very well with China right now, we are talking, I think they wanna make a deal much more than I do."
SOT, Donald Trump, US President: "The market is doing great, our country is doing great, everybody was telling me yesterday, people are trying to copy the formula."
SOT, Boris Johnson, UK Prime Minister: "I congratulate the President on everything that the American economy is achieving and it's fantastic to see that, but just to register the faint sheeplike note of our view on the trade war, we are in favour of trade peace on the whole."
SOT, Boris Johnson, UK Prime Minister: "The UK has profited massively in the last 200 years from free trade and that's what we wanna see, we are keen to see, we don't like tariffs on the whole."
SOT, Donald Trump, US President: "We are working on a very big deal with Japan, we are very close to getting it and frankly I think what's happening in China helps with respect to Japan, but it's a very big deal. It will be one of the biggest deals we have ever made with Japan."
US President Donald Trump said that UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson was "the right man for the job" of carrying out Brexit on Sunday, as the two held a breakfast meeting in Biarritz during the G7 summit.
Trump emphasised the possibilities of a future US-UK trade agreement, commenting that the two countries would do a "very big trade deal, bigger than we have ever had with the UK."
Johnson appeared enthusiastic about the prospect saying that while he expected there to be "tough talks" ahead, there were "clearly huge opportunities for the UK to penetrate the American market."
A reporter asked Trump if he had second thoughts about his administration's escalating trade war with China, to which the president replied that he has "second thoughts about everything," before repeating his assertion that the US's 1976 National Emergency's Act empowers him to order US companies out of China.
The G7 summit started in Biarritz on Saturday and runs until August 26, with world leaders set to discuss topics including tackling global inequality, the US-China trade dispute, the Hong Kong protests and the climate crisis.
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