
Mexico: Govt rejects new US asylum rules

3 16.07.2019
M/S Mexican Secretary of Foreign Affairs Marcelo Ebrard entering press conference and sitting down at desk, Mexico City
W/S Camera filming press conference
SOT, Marcelo Ebrard, Mexican Secretary of Foreign Affairs (Spanish): "This rule is a limitation on the right of asylum with which Mexico does not agree. We have a totally opposite legal principle that is political asylum in Mexico and it is very unlikely that Mexico will deny asylum to a person who requests it for reasons of political persecution. The whole Mexican tradition is in favour of that, so they are two different principles."
SOT, Marcelo Ebrard, Mexican Secretary of Foreign Affairs (Spanish): "Mexico is a country in favour of asylum and refuge. Mexico does not agree with measures that limit access to asylum and refuge for those who fear for their life and safety in their country of origin for reasons of persecution. The government of Mexico will remain alert to the implications that this decision, I mean the one that the United States announced today, could entail for asylum seekers from other countries that enter the United States through the southern border or our northern border. In this sense we will pay special attention to respect the principle of non-refoulement recognised by the international law in force the Mexican government reiterates its respect for the human rights of all people as well as for its international commitments on asylum and refuge political up to here the position of Mexico at this time once known the bulletin of the United States authorities."
SOT, Marcelo Ebrard, Mexican Secretary of Foreign Affairs (Spanish): "Our country has made it very clear that we would not enter into any negotiation phase on a treaty or agreement regarding the safe third country, be it bilateral or multilateral and without the express authorisation of the Congress of the Union. Tomorrow I have a meeting with deputies and senators because I asked for it."
SOT, Marcelo Ebrard, Mexican Secretary of Foreign Affairs (Spanish): "No, it is not a safe third country. The third safe country also requires that Mexico agree and that an agreement with legal effects be passed by the Congress of the Union so they can not take it unilaterally, it is bilateral, it can be multilateral, but it can not be unilateral."
SOT, Marcelo Ebrard, Mexican Secretary of Foreign Affairs (Spanish): "We, of course, do not agree, we would not have to agree. In the area of Mexican legislation, asylum is something that we consider very relevant and that we will always respect. The limits of these diplomatic negotiations will always be the constitution and laws of Mexico."
M/S Ebrard leaving press conference
Mexico stands against new US restrictions on asylum seekers, Mexican Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard said during a press conference in Mexico City on Tuesday.
According to the new rule, which was announced by the Trump administration on Monday, migrants seeking asylum in the US would have to first apply for protection from any country they pass through as opposed to at the US border.
"This rule is a limitation on the right of asylum with which Mexico does not agree. We have a totally opposite legal principle that is political asylum in Mexico," he said.
On whether the new measures would mean that Mexico was now designated as a safe third country, Ebrard replied that it was not.
“The third safe country also requires that Mexico agree and that an agreement with legal effects be passed by the Congress of the Union so they cannot take it unilaterally, it is bilateral,” he said.
The new restrictions would affect most Central American asylum-seekers arriving through Mexico, most of whom come from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador.
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