
India: India launches rocket on moon mission in second attempt

0 22.07.2019
W/S Launch of Chandrayaan-2 from Satish Dhawan Space Centre, Sriharikot
M/S Launch of Chandrayaan-2
M/S Children cheering
W/S Smoke trail left from Chandrayaan-2
M/S Smoke trail left from Chandrayaan-2
M/S Children clapping
W/S Smoke cloud left from Chandrayaan-2
M/S Smoke cloud left from Chandrayaan-2
M/S Photographer
C/U Photographer
M/S Smoke cloud left from Chandrayaan-2
C/U Photographer
SOT, Child 1: "This rocket was supposed to head to the moon. You can see how much of the flames are spreading right behind. It's like a huge smoke cloud."
SOT, Child 2: "It is a very good experience and it is the first time I ever saw a live rocket launch."
M/S Smoke cloud left from Chandrayaan-2 *CUTAWAY*
SOT, Spectator: "I'm sure it's going to be a great success and this indigenous technology of India, we are really proud about it. And I think this is the stepping stone for the future launches also, part of these crucial stepping stones, a milestone, and I'm sure manned rockets will be sent not so far, it's not so far."
W/S Spectators looking at smoke cloud
W/S Spectators looking at smoke cloud
India’s Chandrayaan-2 rocket blasted into space successfully from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre on the Indian island of Sriharikot on Monday, following a last-minute disruption which halted the mission less than an hour before it was due to take off last week.
After the Indian space agency Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) resolved the issue – reportedly a leak in the rocket’s cryogenic engine - lift-off was rescheduled, taking off at 14.43 local time (09:13 GMT) on Monday.
Onlookers who gathered to watch the unmanned spacecraft take off cheered and applauded as it launched, leaving trails of grey smoke behind it.
“I think this is the stepping stone for the future launches also, part of these crucial stepping stones, a milestone, and I'm sure manned rockets will be sent not so far [away in the future], one woman who watched the launch said.
The rocket will spend 23 days in the Earth’s orbit before moving into lunar orbit. If successful in its mission, India will become the fourth ever country to make a soft landing on the moon.
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