
Israel: Israeli Palestinians rally against violence in Nazareth

0 23.10.2019
M/S Protesters chanting slogans in front of Nazareth's Northern District police HQ
M/S Boy chanting slogans
M/S Protesters chanting slogans
M/S Person chanting
M/S Boys holding banners calling to stop violence
W/S Protesters
M/S Banners
W/S Cars bringing coffins
W/S Protester unloading coffins
M/S Protester unloading coffins
W/S Protesters
SOT, Aida Touma-Sliman, Member of Knesset: "We are continuing our struggle against the crimes in our society. We are here in front of the police to say it very clearly, when it become[s] organised crime it is the duty of the police to stop it."
M/S Protesters
SOT, Aida Touma-Sliman, Member of Knesset: "We believe that the police did not put any real efforts in order to crash down the organised crimes and criminals, and we are here to demand it again. This is only one step among other steps that has been taken and will be taken in the future, we will not settle down until the crimes are crashed down."
M/S Coffins in front of banner
M/S Activist placing banners on coffins
SOT, Nabila Espanioly, Activist: "The police is not looking at this problem as their responsibility and our call is take responsibility. Take responsibility about the crime, about the weapon, about the different crimes that we are seeing, and especially collect and try to control the weapon that exists in the Palestinian community."
W/S Officers patrolling Police HQ entrance
W/S Police HQ
Hundreds of Israeli Palestinians gathered in front of Nazareth city's Northern District police headquarters on Tuesday, to decry violence in their communities.
Protesters also brought coffins and placed them in front of the building drawing police attention to the crimes.
Member of Knesset, Aida Touma-Sliman, complained about the lack of action from the police in fighting the crimes and pledged that the protest movement will continue until the Israeli Palestinians are safe.
The organisers of the event, Committee Against Violence in Nazareth, reportedly intend to bring the case to the UN and the High Court of Justice.
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