
France: Hendaye protesters march against nearby G7 gathering

3 24.08.2019
M/S Protesters marching, carrying banner and flags, Hendaye
W/S Protesters marching, carrying signs and flags
W/S Protesters holding flags
W/S Protesters carrying figures of G7 Leaders
W/S Protesters marching carrying signs and boats
W/S Protesters marching carrying banners and flags
C/U G7 Leaders figures
M/S Protesters marching carrying boats
M/S People dancing traditional Basque dance called Zapantzar
M/S Protesters marching, carrying banners and flags
M/S Protesters holding USA flag with writing reading 'Fck Trump'
SOT, Maria, Protester (Spanish): "We are here to fight against this system that leads us to destruction on so many levels. There were seven axis of the fight but they all converge on the same idea, which is a fight against this fierce capitalism in which we are living in."
M/S Protesters marching, carrying banners and flags
W/S Protesters marching, carrying banners and flags
M/S Protesters carrying flags
W/S Protesters carrying flags
SOT, Agurtzane, Protester (Spanish): "I'm here to fight against this convention of unpresentable people, capitalists who rule the world. They are 7 or a few more, but really few, and to say enough to this situation that leads us to total destruction as a species, as a culture, and to the destruction of human rights."
W/S Police officers, Irun
C/U Police officers
M/S Protesters marching and carrying flags and yellow vest
C/U Yellow vest
W/S Protesters holding flags
Thousands of protesters rallied at a counter-G7 demonstration starting from Hendaye in France and heading towards Irun in neighbouring Spain on Saturday.
Thousands of people marched through Hendaye towards Irun, carrying flags, banners and figures of the G7 leaders, such as Trump, Merkel and Macron, as they protested against the countries' economic and environmental policies.
"We are here to fight against this system [capitalism] that leads us to destruction on so many levels," said Maria, a protester
"I'm here to fight against this convention of unpresentable people, capitalists who rule the world," added another protester, Agurtzane.
Despite the ban on protests in Biarritz, demonstrators continue to hold anti-G7 rallies in nearby locations such as Hendaye, while the G7 summit runs from August 24 to August 26.
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