
Afghanistan: Funerals held for victims of Kabul wedding explosion

4 18.08.2019
W/S Mourners putting body into grave at funeral, Kabul
M/S Mourners putting body into grave
W/S Mourners
M/S Mourners carrying body
M/S Crying man being led
W/S Mourners
M/S Relative crying
M/S Tombstones
W/S Mourners carrying body
M/S Relatives crying
M/S Mourners covering graves
M/S Relatives crying
SOT, Shikib, victims' relative (Dari): "We have buried at least six people at this cemetery and six others at another place. In total, there are about 16 people who we have buried."
W/S Mourners
SOT, Shikib, victims' relative (Dari): "I believe that suicide attack is an inhumane act, especially at wedding parties. It is the first time that the terrorists attack a wedding hall. Several people have died including women and children. Some bodies cannot be identified, they are lost."
M/S Mourners carrying body
M/S Relative crying
M/S Mourners praying
SOT, victims' relative (Dari): "The waiter had called us for a dinner. I was sitting with my nephews and my brothers in the hall to eat dinner. Then suddenly a huge explosion occurred inside the hall. I fell down with my nephews. I tried to rescue my little nephew. Then I got back with a light to look after my brothers. I saw my brother who was breathing and dying there."
M/S Mourners walking
W/S Mourners carrying body
W/S Mourners standing by graves
Funerals were held in Kabul on Sunday for some of the victims of a suicide blast that targeted a wedding party. The attack killed at least 63 people and left 182 injured on Saturday evening.
Footage shows relatives crying as mourners carry the bodies during the burial.
"I believe that suicide attack is an inhumane act, especially at wedding parties. It is the first time that the terrorists attack a wedding hall. Several people have died including women and children. Some bodies cannot be identified, they are lost," said Shikib who lost his relatives in the attack.
Another relative recalled the blast: "Suddenly a huge explosion occurred inside the hall. I fell with my nephews. I tried to rescue my little nephew, then got back with a light to look after my brothers, I saw my brother who was breathing and dying there."
The Islamic State (IS; formerly ISIS/ISIL) claimed responsibility for the attack.
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