
САЩ: САЩ споделя целите на Русия в Сирия но техните действия нарушават световните закони

35 27.09.2015
SOT, Journalist (Russian): "To what extent did the Russian and US positions on Syria approach?" SOT, Sergei Lavrov, Foreign Minister of Russia (Russian): "You know, I think that they are close enough, as John Kerry confirmed today that the USA and its coalition has a single goal, which is the war against terror, against ISIS in particular. This is also our goal. The only thing where we couldn't get closer was the practical conclusions that are drawn from this mutual objective. We are convinced that these actions must be built on the solid ground of the UN Charter, in accordance with the respective governments and with the support of the Security Council. The United States find that their coalition does not need this kind of approval from the UN Security Council which is a violation of international law in our opinion. However there is a will for both diplomatic and military cooperation. I think that the more regularly and frequently we will discuss this on a professional level, the easier it will be to solve this most serious problem, which we are facing altogether. Both John Kerry and we have the highest expectations regarding the meeting of the presidents tomorrow. I hope we will be able to talk honestly and find a way forward." Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov spoke to the press outside the New York Palace Hotel in New York City, Sunday, after meeting with US Secretary of State John Kerry to discuss the conflicts in Syria and Ukraine. Commenting on the situation in Syria, Lavrov said that Russia and the US are pursuing a common goal - the fight against the Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS, ISIL) and other terror groups. However the Russian foreign minister noted that the two diplomats could not agree on the "practical conclusions that are drawn from this mutual objective." "We are convinced that these actions must be built on the solid ground of the UN Charter, in accordance with the respective governments and with the support of the Security Council. The United States find that their coalition does not need this kind of approvement of the UN Security Council which is a violation of international law in our opinion," Lavrov stated. Despite their differences, the Russian foreign minister appeared optimistic that there is "a will for both diplomatic and military cooperation" between the US and Russia in Syria. Discussing Ukraine, Lavrov stated that Moscow had forwarded analytical material "contrasting the literal Minsk II agreement on the one hand with what has been done practically on the other hand" to Washington and Kerry had assured the Russian diplomat that he would study the information with US President Barack Obama.
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