
UK: Hundreds rally for Scottish independence on 5th IndyRef anniv. in Glasgow

2 21.09.2019
M/S Scottish independence supporters, Glasgow
M/S Scottish independence supporters
M/S Dogs wearing Scottish decorations
C/U Pro-independence couple
W/S Scottish independence supporter Wren Chapman holding sign
C/U "Fool Britannia" sign reading: "Fool Britannia. Boris's Britain. The ghost of Christmas is yet to come."
W/S Chapman posing for couple
SOT, Wren Chapman, Scottish independence supporter: "I think the union as it stands with what we have when we look at Boris Johnson and the Tory party in power at the moment - what we have with them is just like a bunch of people who are just protecting their own interests. And I think that is for the people in England and that is for the people in all the other countries in the UK, they are not protecting the people, they are protecting themselves."
M/S Men waving flags
M/S Woman applauding
M/S Scottish independence supporters
M/S John Love, William Wallace impersonator, talking to photographer
SOT, John Love, Scottish Independence supporter: "A lot of people in Europe want their own independent country. That's what we want and then we can negotiate our own deal with them. So
W/S Pro-independence bikers
M/S Pro-independence bikers
M/S Flags
W/S Flags of Scotland and of the Catalan independence movement
W/S "People Make Glasgow" sign on tower in background
Hundreds of Scottish independence supporters gathered in George Square, Glasgow, on Saturday to protest, shortly after the fifth anniversary of the country's 2014 independence referendum that saw voters reject leaving the UK.
People held various flags including those of Scotland and the Catalan independence movement, as well as banners with anti-Boris Johnson comments. Pro-independence bikers also participated in the rally.
"I think the union as it stands with what we have when we look at Boris Johnson and the Tory party in power at the moment - what we have with them is just like a bunch of people who are just protecting their own interests," said Wren Chapman, an independence supporter.
The event, reportedly organised by group Hope Over Fear, takes place annually around September 18, the anniversary of the 2014 referendum.
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