
France: EU 'releases assistance' for new Moldovan government

0 17.07.2019
SOT, Federica Mogherini, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy: "The people of Moldova have asked for change, for reforms that would bring their country forward. Very recently this was very evident. The European Union has followed the situation in these recent months, but also recent years, step-by-step, as neighbours, as partners and most of all as friends of the Moldovan people. We are glad that Moldova now has a government with a bold programme to tackle corruption and reform the country. Obviously after the programmes, reforms need to happen for real and implementation has to come."
SOT, Federica Mogherini, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy: "As you know we are preparing a set of concrete measures to support the country based on the implementation of reforms under the association agreement and the package we are working on includes also the release of assistance that had been put on hold."
SOT, Federica Mogherini, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy: "The [Moldovan] foreign minister yesterday confirmed that the new government intends to tackle corruption decisively and to address the politicisation of state institutions including the judicial system. He also confirmed to us that Moldova has a strong interest in its partnership with the European Union, both politically and economically. And I want to add once again that our partnership has nothing to do with geopolitics or sphere of influence. I think recent events have demonstrated very clearly that for the people of Moldova what truly matters is reforms, positive change, not really geopolitics or calculation."
The European Commission will re-open millions of euros in financial aid for Moldova after a new government pledged to implement reform, confirmed EU foreign affairs chief Federica Mogherini in a speech to the EU Parliament in Strasbourg on Tuesday.
A total of €14.5m ($16.2m) in aid will be transferred in the next few days after the Moldova government "announced a bold programme to tackle corruption and reform the country."
More could follow depending on "implementation of reforms under the association agreement," added Mogherini.
The EU foreign affairs chief was quick to point out that the renewed partnership with Moldova "has nothing to do with geopolitics or sphere of influence."
Moldova's new Prime Minister Maia Sandu has declared that improving ties with the EU is her administration's priority.
The coalition between the pro-European ACUM group and the pro-Russia Socialist Party was formed in June after months of negotiations following indecisive parliamentary elections in February.
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