
Canada: 'I didn't hear anyone shouting send him back' says Tusk at EU-Canada summit

4 19.07.2019
W/S Canadian and EU officials sitting down for meeting, Montreal
M/S Officials sitting down at table
M/S Press members
M/S Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking
W/S Officials sitting at table
C/U President of the European Council Donald Tusk listening to Trudeau
SOT, Donald Tusk, President of the European Council: "It is a pleasure to be in Montreal, the most European of Canadian cities. I really feel at home here, for many reasons, also because in Montreal I didn't hear anyone shouting 'send him back'. In the unstable global setting we live in, it is reassuring that the friendship between EU and Canada is as stable as ever."
SOT, Donald Tusk, President of the European Council: "All who wishfully declared that the West was dead and liberal democracy obsolete. We have a clear answer: you are wrong. We will never give up on our values."
SOT, Donald Tusk, President of the European Council: "Today it is clear that CETA has brought many benefits to people on both sides of the Atlantic. Trade is up and the calamities predicted by some doomsayers have not materialised."
SOT, Justin Trudeau, Canadian Prime Minister: "With CETA, we set an example for global trade. We established a framework to create real, meaningful growth that is benefiting people on both sides of the Atlantic. By opening up new markets, businesses were able to grow and create good, well-paying jobs that middle-class Canadians and citizens need."
SOT, Justin Trudeau, Canadian Prime Minister: "In addition to lowering trade barriers, it includes provisions that protect workers' rights, safeguard our environment, support public services and resolve investment disputes through an improved and independent system."
SOT, Justin Trudeau, Canadian Prime Minister (French): "More than ever, countries like ours that share not only ambitions but common values must counter populist and nationalist movements that undermine democracy worldwide. We must therefore strengthen our collaboration even more."
M/S Cameramen
"I didn't hear anyone shouting 'send him back'," joked European Council President Donald Tusk, hours after attendees at a Trump rally chanted 'send her back' when the US President mentioned Democratic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar. Tusk's comment came during a joint press conference with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, following the 17th Canada-EU summit that took place in Montreal on Thursday.
The European Council president then hailed the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) by saying that it has brought "many benefits to people on both sides of the Atlantic. Trade is up and the calamities predicted by some doomsayers have not materialised."
Trudeau also praised the EU-Canada free-trade deal: "With CETA, we set an example for global trade." He added that new markets led to the creation of "well-paying jobs that middle-class Canadians and citizens need."
The Canadian prime minister also emphasised the importance of "collaboration" in the face of "populist and nationalist movements that undermine democracy worldwide."
The CETA has been provisionally applied between Canada and the EU since September 2017.
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