
Brazil: Supporters call on Bolsonaro to keep ex-president Lula in jail at Sao Paulo rally

0 26.08.2019
W/S Demonstration of supporters of Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro, Sao Paulo
M/S Bolsonaro supporters cheering
M/S Bolsonaro supporters in Portuguese: "Veto everything!"
M/S Bolsonaro supporter holding banner reading in Portuguese: "Veto everything Bolsonaro!"
M/S Child with Bolsonaro sticker on hat
SOT, Tamires, supporter of president Bolsonaro (Portuguese): "To begin with, the Supreme Court has no judges, only lawyers who lobby for their own interests none of which have been legally put forward. Toffoli [President of the Supreme Court Dias Toffoli] has been nominated as Minister of Justice and yet wants to run the country. He will first have to go through the same process as minister Sergio Moro [Minister of Justice] who has also wants to rule the country. He [Toffoli] does not have this authority. The people have this authority. We have gone from being a colony of Portugal and have became a colony of the STF [Supreme Federal Court] Enough! Enough!"
M/S Bolsonaro supporter holding inflatable Lula doll
SOT, Gonzales, supporter of president Bolsonaro (Portuguese): "I believe the supreme court should not release Lula from jail, because the Brazilian people took to the streets to ask Lula to be sentenced. So, I believe he will not be released. Dias Toffolli can never do this because otherwise the people will return to the streets and then we will ask president Jair Bolsonaro to enact article 142 [of the Brazilian constitution]. The government's power comes from the people. It is not only the president who governs. The president is there because the people put him there. If they let Lula out we will return to the streets and ask again for his arrest. And congress will have to obey the Brazilian people. It is the Brazilian people who have the final say."
M/S Banner reading in Portuguese: "Let Bolsonaro rule!"
M/S Man posing with Bolsonaro cut-out
W/S Large inflatable Bolsonaro doll
Thousands of supporters of Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro demonstrated in Sao Paulo on Sunday urging him to veto any motion that would lead to the release of ex-leader Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva from jail. They also demanded the impeachment of the President of Brazil's Supreme court Dias Toffoli, a key ally of Lula.
"I believe the supreme court should not release Lula from jail, because the Brazilian people took to the streets to ask Lula to be sentenced. So, I believe he will not be released. Dias Toffolli can never do this because otherwise the people will return to the streets," said a demonstrator.
Lula was imprisoned for 12 years in January 2018 for corruption and money laundering as part of the 'Operation Car Wash' scandal. Toffoli had been appointed by Lula and his opponents believe he will eventually try to get the ex-leader out of the prison.
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