
Mozambique: Queues at polls for general elections

3 15.10.2019
W/S Banner outside polling station during presidential, parliamentary and provincial elections, Maputo
M/S Election poster showing candidates
M/S Voters queuing outside station
C/U Polling official
M/S Voters queuing outside station
M/S Voters chatting outside station
M/S Polling officials inside station
M/S Polling officials explaining how to cast ballots
W/S Voter shows hands before having ink applied on finger
C/U Polling official writing
M/S Polling booth
C/U Voters get ink applied on finger
SOT, Fululane Inacio, voter (Portuguese): "I have just exercised my civil right for the third time. The experience that I had, like previous times was good."
W/S Voters queuing outside station
SOT, Nino Mogne, voter (Portuguese): "I encourage everyone to come and vote, even if it takes long and there are long queues. We need to be a little patient, change starts there, with patience."
W/S Primary school used as a polling station, Maputo
Millions of Mozambicans headed to the polls on Tuesday, as they prepare to choose the next president and members of the provincial assembly in the country's general election.
Footage shows crowded polling stations with residents lining up in long queues since the early hours. "We need to be a little patient, change starts there, with patience," said one voter.
The three main candidates cast their ballots in the morning, with President and Ruling Frelimo party leader Filipe Nyusi voting in the capital Maputo.
Leader of Democratic Movement of Mozambique (MDM), Daviz Simango voted in the city of Beira, where he is the current mayor, while leader of the Mozambican National Resistance (RENAMO), Ossufo Momade, cast his vote in his home district of Mozambique Island.
Nyusi is widely expected to win a second five-year term, although the opposition are hoping to make inroads in provincial and legislative races.
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