
USA: No-Deal Brexit unlikely before October 31 - UK House Speaker

1 16.09.2019
M/S UK House of Commons speaker John Bercow arrives at Q&A session, NYC
W/S Bercow addressing audience from stage
C/U Students listening to speech
W/S Bercow addressing audience
SOT, John Bercow, Speaker of the House of Commons: "Whether we leave the European Union or not is a matter of opinion. Whether we leave the European Union or not with a deal, or without a deal is a matter of opinion. As speaker, all I have ever been seeking to do is to facilitate the desire of the House of Commons of which speaker I am the chair, saying to colleagues, if this is what you want this is orderly, this is what can happen. Over to you"
M/S Audience listening
SOT, John Bercow, Speaker of the House of Commons: "Sorry, I generally support my party but I disagree on this issue, and I'm going to speak up for what I believe. Surely in representative democratic institutions that's what we want to see."
M/S Attendees laughing
SOT, John Bercow, Speaker of the House of Commons: "I am not arguing for one course of action in this circumstance as against another. What I am arguing is that in a parliamentary democracy, parliament cannot be ejected from the centre stage of the attempted dispute resolution process. And the pursuit of closure on the matter of Brexit. All I'm saying is that we are a parliamentary democracy, there will be different opinions. There will be members of the public with different opinions. There will be media outlets with different opinions to which they are entitled. But no force on earth, as far as I'm concerned, is going to stop parliament, in a parliamentary democracy, deciding what course it wishes to chart."
M/S Attendees listening
SOT, John Bercow, Speaker of the House of Commons: "Is a No-Deal Brexit before the 31st of October possible? Not unless parliament changes the law. I cannot see that happening unless parliament changes the law, and I'm not expecting that to happen, but other people might have a different view."
W/S Attendees listening to speech
M/S Audience
W/S Bercow delivering speech
M/S Audience
W/S Bercow leaving stage after Q&A Session at New York University, NYC
Speaker of the UK House of Commons John Bercow said a No-Deal Brexit is unlikely to happen before the deadline of October 31. Bercow was speaking to students during a Q&A session called "Brexit for Breakfast" at New York University on Monday.
"Is a No-Deal Brexit before the 31st of October possible? Not unless parliament changes the law. I cannot see that happening unless parliament changes the law, and I'm not expecting that to happen, but other people might have a different view," said Bercow.
Bercow defended his role as the House of Commons reaffirming his impartiality over the course of Brexit talks in Westminster. "As speaker all I have ever been seeking to do is to facilitate the desire of the House of Commons of which speaker I am the chair," he said.
Bercow, who is now touring the US as a guest speaker, recently announced he will stand down as the House of Commons Speaker by the end of October.
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