
Russia: Turkey committing 'genocide' against Kurds - Kurdish int'l Union head

4 19.02.2016
Merab Shamoev, Chairman of the International Union of Kurdish Public Associations (Russian): "Yes, I can confirm this fact. Our [Kurdish] politicians, my compatriots in Turkey as well as members of the Turkish Parliament from the Peace and Democracy Party also say the same thing. This situation shows once again the real face of the Turkish military forces and Turkish authorities, their barbarity. They have committed this act but Turkish artillery and aviation forces continue to bomb the Sur district of Diyarbakir. We can say that Sur district and other suburbs of Diyarbakir are being turned into ruins, so we can say that we see the second Kobani."
Journalist (Russian): "Can such cruelty from Turkish forces be considered a military crime?"
Merab Shamoev, Chairman of the International Union of Kurdish Public Associations (Russian): "Yes, it is not only a military crime, but also a genocide against the Kurdish people because these actions are being conducted not against military forces but against civilians, against women, elderly people and children. I hope that Kurdish lawyers in Turkey will prepare documents and evidence for the Hague Tribunal and other international legal organisations in order to launch a case against Turkey and the Turkish authorities."
Chairman of the International Union of Kurdish Public Associations, Merab Shamoev, accused Turkish authorities of carrying out a "genocide against the Kurds," during an interview with RT in Moscow, Friday. His comments follow reports that hundreds of civilians have been killed in recent security operations in the southern regions of Turkey.
"It is not only a military crime, but also a genocide against the Kurdish people because these actions are being conducted not against military forces but against civilians, against women, elderly people and children," Shamoev said.
While commenting on a recent report that 150 people were allegedly burned alive by the Turkish military while taking refuge in basements in Sirnak's Cizre district, Shamoev said "this situation shows once again the real face of the Turkish military forces and Turkish authorities, their barbarity. They have committed this act, but Turkish artillery and aviation forces continue to bomb the Sur district in Diyarbakir." This district and other suburbs of Diyarbakir, he said, "are being turned into ruins, so we can say that we see a second Kobani."
An MP from the pro-Kurdish Peoples' Democratic Party told Sputnik, Friday, that "in the Cizre district of Sırnak, around 150 people have been burned alive in different buildings by Turkish military forces." Most of those killed were Kurds, the MP, Feleknas Uca, said. The statements have not been independently verified by a third party.
The southern regions of Turkey have suffered after months of Turkish military operations against militants of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK). The fighting between Turkish security forces and the PKK has intensified in recent months leading the government to impose multiple curfews over the south-east of Turkey.
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