
Japan: 33 killed in arson attack on Kyoto anime studio

6 18.07.2019
M/S Emergency workers, Kyoto
M/S Onlookers
M/S Emergency vehicle
M/S Police and emergency vehicles
M/S Fire truck
W/S Police vehicle
M/S Police vehicle
M/S Police officers *CUTAWAY*
SOT, Kyoto fire department spokesperson: "33 people died, 36 more have been taken to hospital and six others have been taken to safety. So a total of 75 were inside the building."
W/S Kyoto fire department spokesperson speaking to press *CUTAWAY*
SOT, Kyoto fire department spokesperson: "Many died in the stairwell going up from the third floor to the roof, according to some reports. We are not yet sure if the door leading to the rooftop was locked or not until we can get further information on the situation from the rescue team, who are there at the moment."
M/S Rescue workers *CUTAWAY*
SOT, Kyoto fire department spokesperson: "As of now, we are explaining that there are no more injured that are unconscious. However, some have been severely injured. Because of the fire, they sustained burns, and we haven't heard about their situation yet. So I think that after the hospitalisation, the status of some people's condition will change."
W/S Charred Kyoto Animation's 1st Studio building
M/S Charred animation studio
C/U Broken windows
W/S Charred animation studio
C/U Broken window
M/S Charred animation studio
C/U Broken window
W/S Charred animation studio
At least 33 people were killed and dozens more injured in an arson attack on a three-storey anime studio in the Japanese city of Kyoto on Thursday. The assailant was also injured and taken into police custody.
The suspect, who has been identified as a 41-year old man, walked into the Kyoto Animation's 1st Studio building at about 10:30 am local time (01:30 GMT). He then allegedly poured what is believed to be petrol before igniting it.
So far, the motive for the attack has not been reported and the suspect's relationship with the animation company has not been identified.
Some 30 fire engines and ambulances were dispatched following the blaze.
According to the Kyoto fire department, "a total of 75 were inside the building" when the fire broke out.
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