
Saudi Arabia: Saudi MoD alleges Iran behind Saudi oil facilities attack

22 811 18.09.2019
M/S Saudi Defence Ministry spokesperson Colonel Turki Al-Maliki presenting drone remnants allegedly used in the Saudi oil facilities attack
M/S Drone remnants
M/S Drone remnants
C/U Drone serial number
M/S Drone remnants
C/U Drone remnants
W/S Audience
SOT, Colonel Turki Al-Maliki, Saudi Defence Ministry spokesperson (English): "First of all, I would like to assert the Kingdom's capacity to defend its critical infrastructure. In the light of this recent event, however, I will also take a moment to emphasise the destabilising role Iran and its proxy [Houthis] play in our region and around the world. Since the beginning of the Iran-sponsored insurgencies in the region we have witnessed distinct growth in Iranian aggression, which culminated in the attack from the north several days ago. This attack was not against the Kingdom of Saudi Aramco or Saudi Arabia. It was an assault on the international community and a direct attempt to disrupt the global economy and the energy industry. It was an affront to international law and those responsible should be held accountable for their actions. Iran's continued aggression and sponsorship of terrorist groups and interference in maritime commerce represents a common threat to us all. We call upon the international community to acknowledge Iran's malign activity in the region and responsibility in the recent attack and during this brief I will emphasise two facts based in our findings. The first one: this attack did not originate from Yemen, despite Iran's best effort to make it appear so, their collaboration with their proxy in the region to create this false narrative is clear. Secondly, the attack was launched from the north and was unquestionably sponsored by Iran. The evidence throughout my brief I've displayed that you have seen in front of you makes this undeniable." *MULTIPLE SHOTS AT SOURCE*
W/S Side-to-side CCTV footage of the Saudi oil facilities attack
C/U Graph reading "Iranian involvement in attacking Saudi civilian and civilian infrastructure"
W/S Audience
Saudi Arabian Defence Ministry spokesperson Colonel Turki Al-Maliki said the drones in the Saudi oil facilities attack on September 14 came "from the north," hinting at Iran's involvement, as he presented drone remnants in front of officials and journalists in Riyadh on Wednesday.
"In the light of this recent event, however, I will also take a moment to emphasise the destabilising role Iran and its proxy [Houthis] play in our region and around the world. Since the beginning of the Iran-sponsored insurgencies in the region we have witnessed distinct growth in Iranian aggression which culminated in the attack from the north several days ago," said Al-Maliki.
"I will emphasise two facts based in our findings. The first one: this attack did not originate from Yemen, despite Iran's best effort to make it appear so, their collaboration with their proxy in the region to create this false narrative is clear," he said.
"Secondly, the attack was launched from the north and was unquestionably sponsored by Iran. The evidence throughout my brief I've displayed that you have seen in front of you makes this undeniable," he added, and called upon the international community to "acknowledge Iran's malign activity in the region."
The drone attacks took place on September 14 at an oil processing facility in Abqaiq and the Khurais oil field, effectively cutting 5.7 million barrels per day or 5 percent of global output. Houthi militants operating in Yemen claimed responsibility for the attack. However, US authorities have accused Iran of the attacks, which Iran has rejected.
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