
Spain: Protests shut down Sagrada Familia church in Barcelona

5 18.10.2019
W/S Sagrada Familia church, demonstrators in front of church
M/S Demonstrators carrying portrait of King of Spain downwards and poster with the text "#SpainisAFascistState" in front Sagrada Familia entrance
M/S Demonstrators holding portrait of King of Spain downwards chanting (Catalan): "Freedom for political prisoners!"
M/S Demonstrators seated wrapped in 'Estelada' flag with portrait of King of Spain downwards and poster with text "#SpainisAFascistState".
W/S Tourists observing manifestation from Sagrada Familia church
W/S Demonstrators in front Sagrada Familia church
M/S Demonstrator with poster (Catalan): "We are people of peace, but not assholes".
M/S Tourists observing demonstration from Sagrada Familia church
W/S Demonstrators in front of church entrance chanting (Catalan): "Freedom for political prisoners!"
M/S Demonstrators in front of church entrance waving flag with text (in Catalan): "Freedom for political prisoners".
W/S Demonstrators in front of church entrance
C/U Poster with text "#SpainisAFascistState" hung on door
M/S Demonstrator with poster (Catalan): "We are people of peace, but not assholes".
M/S Tourists observing demonstration from Sagrada Familia church
M/S Demonstrators protesting in front of church entrance
W/S Demonstrators in front of Sagrada Familia church
C/U Poster( Catalan): "Entrance to groups".
M/S Demonstrators sitting in front church entrance, tourists checking entrance
M/S Tourists checking church entrance
W/S Demonstrators sitting in front church entrance, tourists checking entrance
W/S Sagrada Familia church, demonstrators in front of church
W/S Sagrada Familia church, demonstrators in front of church
W/S Sagrada Familia church
Barcelona's Sagrada Familia church, one of the city’s main tourist attractions has decided to close temporarily due to a protest that was organised in front of the doors of the basilica, on Friday morning, as reported on its official Twitter account.
“Due to a group of protesters currently stationed in front of the Basilica, blocking the entrance, we can’t ensure visitors will have access to the grounds. We hope the situation will return to normal as quickly as possible,” says the statement.
Hundreds of people gathered in front of the church on the occasion of the general strike called throughout Catalonia after the Supreme Court ruling, which sentenced nine Catalan independence leaders to prison sentences of between 9 and 13 years for their involvement in the 'procés.'
The images show the demonstrators blocking the entrances, carrying 'Estelada' flags, shouting "Freedom for political prisoners" and holding banners with slogans such as “#SpainisAFascistState”
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