
Germany: Thunberg promises to 'never give up' at climate rally in Berlin

0 19.07.2019
W/S Climate protesters gathered in Berlin *MUSIC AT SOURCE*
C/U 'Vegan for future' and 'Vegan for planet' sign *MUSIC AT SOURCE*
W/S Protesters at Invaliden park, Berlin
W/S Protesters holding 'Profit or future' sign
W/S Greta Thunberg arriving on stage
M/S Thunberg on stage
W/S Protesters chanting: 'What do we want? Climate Justice. When do we want it? Now!'
SOT, Greta Thunberg, Swedish climate activist: "You can often feel like the world, the future of the world rests on your shoulders, like this is a big burden. And you always feel like you are not doing enough. But we are doing more than we can. We are not the ones who are not doing enough. It is the people in power, the politicians, the business leaders and the media who are not doing enough. And they are the ones who should feel responsibility."
W/S Thunberg on stage *CUTAWAY*
SOT, Greta Thunberg, Swedish climate activist: "I will never give up and I hope that you will not either."
M/S Thunberg and protesters on stage
M/S Thunberg leaving stage
W/S Protester holding sign reading: 'Milk chocolate kills'
M/S Protester holding sign reading: 'Repair-Re/Up-Reuse-Cycle'
C/U Sign reading: 'Portage instead of brown coal'
W/S Protester holding sign reading: 'Parents in panic'
C/U 'Parents in panic' sign
M/S Protesters holding signs reading: 'What does Lorax think about climate politics? He's mad!' and 'Winter is coming'
M/S Greta surrounded by protesters
W/S Greta entering building
W/S Protesters at Invaliden park
Greta Thunberg, the Swedish teenage climate activist and Nobel peace prize nominee joined protesters at a 'Fridays for Future' event in Berlin's Invaliden park on Friday.
Thunberg briefly addressed the crowd gathered in the German capital.
"You can often feel like the world, the future of the world rests on your shoulders, like this is a big burden. And you always feel like you are not doing enough. But we are doing more than we can. We are not the ones who are not doing enough. It is the people in power, the politicians and business leaders and the media who are not doing enough. And they are the ones who should feel responsibility," said the activist.
She went on to assure that she would 'never give up' in her fight for climate justice.
The 'Fridays for Future' strike movement came to prominence through the then 15-year-old Swedish activist Greta Thunberg, who conducted a solitary protest outside the Swedish parliament in 2018. Since then, Thunberg has galvanised tens of thousands of students across the world to walk out of school on Fridays to demand stronger action from their governments on climate change.
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