
Norway: Palestine "more than ready" for talks with new Israeli government

0 19.09.2019
W/S Palestinians greeting President Mahmoud Abbas, Oslo
M/S Activists with banners and Palestinian flags shouting slogans in support of Palestine
M/S Norwegian Foreign Minister Ine Eriksen Soreide greeting Abbas
M/S Soreide entering the press room with Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki *JUMP CUT*
C/U Journalists asking questions
SOT, Riyad al-Maliki, Foreign Minister of Palestinian National Authority: "The preferred scenario is very clear. First of all, you know, we do respect the democratic outcome on elections in Israel. Whoever will be able to form the government, we are ready to sit with him or her, in order, really, to restart the negotiations and so, as we did not interfere in the election campaign, in the outcome of the elections, we are going to interfere in the formation of the potential government in Israel. Anyway, you know, we have to wait to see. The moment that Israelis agree to form a government, they will see that we are more than ready to sit and to negotiate based on the international law, UN resolutions, and of course, all terms of reference that are related to the negotiations between the Israelis and the Palestinians."
M/S Soreide leaving the press room with al-Maliki
Palestinian authorities said they are ready to restart negotiations with Israel no matter who forms the new government after elections.
Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki spoke to the press on Wednesday in Oslo as he and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas paid an official visit to top Norwegian officials.
Al-Maliki emphasised that Palestine respected the democratic process of elections in Israel and refused to comment on a preferred coalition of parties. He hoped that both parties would sit down for talks "based on the international law".
After a three-day round of meetings in Oslo, Mahmoud Abbas will head to New York to deliver a speech at the UN General Assembly and meet with at least 50 world leaders.
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