
Hong Kong: Carrie Lam dismisses criticism of her policy address

0 16.10.2019
W/S Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam entering press conference room, Hong Kong
M/S Lam
SOT, Journalist: "[...] if your policy address contains nothing to address the central issue driving the protests at the desire for the democratic reform and the concern that Hong Kong's freedoms are being eroded under the Chinese rule." *NO CUTAWAY AT SOURCE*
SOT, Carrie Lam, Hong Kong Chief Executive: "Every year's policy address is an occasion for the chief executive to lay out for the people of Hong Kong the various initiatives and targets in the coming year covering a wide range of subjects. I have admitted in my opening remarks that, of course, this single policy address could not address or resolve the problems in society, especially those reflected in the social unrest. You have mentioned two of these sources, one is democracy, the other is erosion. Of course, I do not agree or submit to the view that Hong Kong's rights and liberties and freedoms have been eroded in whatsoever way. Hong Kong is still a very free society. We have freedom of speech, freedom of journalism and so on. As far as democracy, this is an extremely complicated subject, [in] which we have to fulfill the constitutional requirements. So for a policy address to totally ignore those constitutional requirements and undertake to provide certain forms of universal suffrage for the people of Hong Kong is not a responsible act. Particularly for someone like myself, who five years ago have undertaken a full twenty-month-exercise aiming to give universal suffrage in the selection of the chief executive to the people of Hong Kong, but that very reasonable and constitutionally proper package has been voted down by the same group of members who are now seeking another round of discussions or a debate on the constitutional reforms. So yes, this policy address may not have all those political solutions, but I did offer, especially when the situation calms down a bit, that through a dialogue, very sincere and open dialogue with various sectors in society, and also through the setting up of a committee to visit or to revisit the various underlying issues and tensions and conflicts in society to come up with a way forward on where we are going forward to. And I suppose any committee comprised of community leaders, academia and experts in this field will have more to say on how we can take forward some of the issues that have caused anxiety in society in recent months. Thank you very much."
W/S Central Government Complex
Chief Executive Carrie Lam dismissed a journalist's criticism that her policy address contains "nothing" to address "the central issue driving the protests," when speaking at a press conference at Hong Kong's government headquarters on Wednesday.
Lam noted that "this single policy address could not address or resolve the problems in society, especially those reflected in the social unrest."
She also denounced the pro-democracy lawmakers' rejection of the 2014 Hong Kong electoral reform plan, which notionally allowed the selection of the chief executive by universal suffrage; however, stipulated that candidates must win an endorsement of more than half of all the members of the nominating committee.
Lam argued that "a very reasonable and constitutionally proper package has been voted down by the same group of members who are now seeking another round of discussions or a debate on the constitutional reforms."
"So yes, this policy address may not have all those political solutions, but I did offer, especially when the situation calms down a bit, that true dialogue, a very sincere and open dialogue with various sectors in society," added Lam.
Earlier in the day, Lam was forced to suspend her annual policy address amid heckling from pro-democracy lawmakers at Hong Kong's Legislative Council (LegCo). Lam was forced to halt her speech twice as lawmakers jeered, urging Lam to step down and shouting 'Five demands, not one less." Several pro-democracy lawmakers were reportedly evicted before the session was adjourned entirely.
Following the incident, Lam delivered her address via a video link.
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