
France: Thousands of students join climate action strike in Paris

0 20.09.2019
W/S Protesters with puppets, banners, placards
C/U Mock skeleton head
M/S Protesters with banners, Paris
M/S Bird puppet
M/S Protesters with banners
M/S Protester with placard
C/U Sticker on statue
W/S Protesters chanting
M/S Protesters with banners
M/S Protester with loudspeaker
M/S Protesters with banner and placards
M/S Protester wearing polar bear costume
W/S Protesters with red paint on faces
M/S Protesters with red paint on faces
W/S Journalists
C/U Protester's hand with red paint
M/S Protesters with red paint on faces
SOT, Alex, protester (French): "I'm here to support youth, to support all young people, kids, students who chose to fight to stop climate change or to slow it down as much as it's possible in the future."
W/S Protesters
M/S Protesters with flags, banners, puppets
M/S Protester with banner reading in French: "Tomorrow is cancelled due to collective indifference"
M/S Protesters marching
SOT, Willen, protester (French): "As we saw many times, at the beginning of the movement in March, there were people who said that animal agriculture is going to kill the planet. For us it's a reality and around the world it kills billions of animals every year. We're here to stop it, to say it's an abomination that has to be stopped. It's an ecological catastrophe and ethic failure at the same time."
M/S Protesters chanting
W/S Cleaner next to wall with graffiti
M/S Graffiti
W/S Protesters reach the final point of the march
W/S Protesters marching
W/S Protesters running
M/S Protesters
W/S Protesters
Thousands of students took to the streets of Paris on Friday, as part of a global strike for climate protection, that was launched on the initiative of Swedish teenage activist Greta Thunberg.
The protesters were filmed chanting slogans and carrying banners, placards, and flags, to raise awareness to demand action from the government to tackle the climate change.
The march was one of demonstrations taking place across the globe with organisers expecting millions of people to join the protest.
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