
Hong Kong: Released activist announces legal action against police

8 17.09.2019
M/S Democratic Party leader Hui Chi-Fung arriving at press conference after release, Hong Kong
SOT, Hui Chi-Fung, Democratic Party leader: "In reply to the arrest in this incident on 15 of September I hereby solemnly point put that it was an arbitrary and unlawful arrest and detention and it was a serious incident of abuse of police power. Because the incident is serious during my detention I already instructed my solicitor to issue a district court writ to start a civil action against the police for unlawful detention and for unlawful arrest."
C/U Hong Kong Democratic party sign *CUTAWAY*
SOT, Hui Chi-Fung, Democratic Party leader: "I witnessed a group of young people, a young couple, who were surrounded by riot police officers. A group of more than ten of them and then they were, the lady was on her knees, crying and shouting to the police and to the public: 'I am just a passer-by, please stop accusing me and release me. I have done nothing wrong.' She was crying, that is why I rushed to her side and then, trying to protect her and offer help as a mediation between the couple and the police officers but ironically, I was charged for obstructing police officer. While I was discharging my own duty as legislative council member, for monitoring the government and just asking both sides to calm down."
M/S Journalist *CUTAWAY*
SOT, Hui Chi-Fung, Democratic Party leader: "I urge Hong Kong people and for those who are just like me, facing police brutality and unlawful arrest and detention to really stand up and make their voice heard. I and the Democratic Party will be supporting them with all the legal actions and all the complaints and follow-ups. I urge them to give us information and we will offer help."
M/S Hui and associates holding signs
M/S Journalists
M/S End of press conference
Democratic Party leader Hui Chi-Fung said he would be seeking "to start a civil action against the police for unlawful detention and for unlawful arrest" at a press conference held as soon as he was released from custody in Hong Kong on Tuesday.
"I urge Hong Kong people and for those who are just like me, facing police brutality and unlawful arrest and detention to really stand up and make their voice heard. I and the Democratic Party will be supporting them with all the legal actions and all the complaints and follow-ups. I urge them to give us information and we will offer help," Hui said.
The democratic Legislative Council member was arrested on 15 September in Hong Kong's North Point, where protesters clashed with police, for "obstructing police officer" despite allegedly only trying to mediate between riot police and not implicated passer-by.
"Ironically, I was charged for obstructing police officer. While I was discharging my own duty as legislative council member for monitoring the government and just asking both sides to calm down," he said.
Hong Kong has been rocked by demonstrations sparked by a proposed extradition bill since March. Despite the law being withdrawn, demonstrations evolved into a movement with wider grievances.
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