
USA: Trump praises relationship with India at ‘Howdy Modi’ rally in Houston

2 23.09.2019
M/S Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and US President Donald Trump greeting audience at NRG Stadium in Houston, Texas
W/S Modi and Trump greeting the audience
SOT, Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India: "In these years our two nations have taken their relationships to new heights. Mr President, this morning in Houston you can hear the heartbeat of this great partnership in this celebration of the world's two largest democracies" *MULTIPLE SHOTS AT SOURCE*
M/S Donald Trump applauding
SOT, Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India: "You had introduced me to your family in 2017, and today I have the honour to introduce you to my family (pointing at the audience)."
M/S Trump and Modi shaking hands
W/S Audience cheering
M/S Modi heading to his seat at the stadium
SOT, Donald Trump, President of the United States of America: "Hello Houston, I am so thrilled to be here in the great state of Texas with one of America's greatest, most devoted and most loyal friends - Prime Minister Modi of India, thank you!"
M/S Modi applauding
SOT, Donald Trump, President of the United States of America: "I've also come to express my profound gratitude to nearly 4 million amazing Indian Americans all across our country.. You enrich our culture, you uphold our values, you uplift our communities and you are truly proud to be American, and we are proud to have you as Americans."
W/S audience at NRG Stadium in Houston
SOT, Donald Trump, President of the United States of America: "So I can tell you, you have never had a better friend as president than President Donald Trump, that I can tell you"
W/S Audience cheering
SOT, Donald Trump, President of the United States of America: "I am happy to report that the relationship between the United States and India is stronger than ever before."
M/S Modi applauding
M/S People cheering
W/S NRG Stadium
US President Donald Trump said that India has "never had a better friend as president" than himself while addressing a rally of Indian-Americans dubbed 'Howdy Modi' alongside Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Houston, Texas on Sunday.
"In these years our two nations have taken their relationships to new heights. Mr. President, this morning in Houston you can hear the heartbeat of this great partnership in this celebration of the world's two largest democracies," Modi said as the crowd erupted in cheers.
President Trump similarly said the relationship between two countries "is stronger than ever before."
The event was held at NRG Stadium, where around 50,000 people cheered on the Indian Prime Minister and President Trump.
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