
Argentine 'Iron Man' brings smiles to sick kids with hospital visits

3 22.10.2019
M/S Iron Man impersonator doing fist bump with sick kid in hospital, Buenos Aires
C/U Kid smiling
M/S Woman taking selfie with Iron Man impersonator
M/S Iron Man impersonator touching kid's cheek
M/S Iron Man impersonator dancing with kid
C/U Kid smiling
SOT, Gustavo Loaicono, Iron Man impersonator (Spanish): "Iron Man is the character that I always liked, for the story, for the intelligence he has to do his work, with respect to the armour."
M/S Iron Man impersonator hugging kid *CUTAWAY*
SOT, Gustavo Loaicono, Iron Man impersonator (Spanish): "Of the 99% of the work done by doctors, nurses and the family, one does the 1% that is to visit them, but that impact can generate something very positive in the way of healing."
M/S Iron Man impersonator walking in hospital hallway
M/S Iron Man impersonator giving present to kid
C/U Kid waving
M/S Iron Man impersonator walking in hospital hallway
M/S Iron Man impersonator doing fist bump with kid
C/U Kid smiling
M/S Iron Man impersonator doing fist bump with parent
M/S Iron Man impersonator giving present to kid
M/S Iron Man impersonator hugging kid
M/S Woman smiling and filming
M/S Kid holding hand of Iron Man impersonator
SOT, Susana Escurra, NGO Give Smiles (Spanish): "The parents tell us that this not only changes the moment for them, this changes the whole week for them. Not only that moment."
M/S Iron Man impersonator opening his helmet
C/U Iron Man impersonator closing his helmet
SOT, Gonzalo Perez Marquez, Deputy medical director in maternal and child department (Spanish): "The response is very good, I think that not only the boys but the parents, we try to ensure that the boys connect with each other, we notice a very low level of conflicts even with the parents, this is something secondary but it occurs to me that you can also analyse it. There are no complaints regarding the treatment."
M/S Iron Man impersonator posing for pictures with hospital staff
C/U Iron Man impersonator posing
M/S Iron Man impersonator waving at kid
Gustavo Loiacono, the Argentine Iron Man, visits sick children in hospitals, bringing smiles to their faces. Footage from a Buenos Aires hospital filmed on Monday shows the heart-warming interactions between the Marvel superhero impersonator and the kids.
The Argentinian Iron Man not only cheers up children, but also their parents and the hospital staff, who can be seen smiling and dancing with the impersonator.
Loiacono explained that while 99 percent of the work is done by doctors, nurses and families, his '1 percent' contribution has an "impact [that] can generate something very positive in the way of healing."
It is after losing his job and falling into depression that Loiacono decided to assume the character played by Robert Donwney Jr. His ambition is to tour every hospital in the country and help others.
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