
Hong Kong: Police apologise for staining mosque with dye during protests

0 21.10.2019
W/S Police Regional Commander of Kowloon West Cheuk Hau-yip arrives at press conference, Hong Kong
SOT, Cheuk Hau-yip, Police Regional Commander of Kowloon West: "Over the weekend, an unauthorised assembly in Kowloon, yet again turned into chaos. There was widespread rioting in different districts in Kowloon, rioters set buildings on fire, disrupted transport facilities, launched hid and run attacks on public properties and inflicted extensive damages to shops. There was also rampant looting of shops. Such routine rioting caused great threat to public safety. We express the strongest condemnation."
W/S Journalists inside press conference room *CUTAWAY*
SOT, Cheuk Hau-yip, Police Regional Commander of Kowloon West: "Due to rioting acts I just mentioned, our frontline officers had to use appropriate force to restore public order. At around 4:00pm police deployed a specialised crowd-management vehicle to disperse rioters gathered on Nathan Road. As the vehicle approached Nathan Road outside the Kowloon Mosque, coloured water was used for dispersion. During the process, the coloured water inadvertently affected the entrance and front gate of the Kowloon Mosque. Immediately after the incident our police representative offered (our) sincere apologies to the Chief Imam and the Muslim community leaders."
M/S Screening of footage from Sunday *CUTAWAY*
SOT, Cheuk Hau-yip, Police Regional Commander of Kowloon West: "We are also aware that our use of specialised crowd-management vehicle in Tsim Sha Tsui has affected another place of worship on Nathan Road. We certainly respect religious freedom in Hong Kong and we strive to protect all places of worship."
W/S Exterior of police headquarters
W/S Exterior of police headquarters, Hong Kong
Hong Kong regional Commander of Kowloon West, Cheuk Hau-yip, apologised for damage caused at
a mosque in the Kowloon district during a clearing operation on Sunday's protests. The remarks came as he was speaking at a police press conference in Hong Kong, on Monday.
Hong Kong police forces were accused of targeting a mosque in the city's Kowloon district, as they fired blue dye from water cannons in an attempt to disperse protesters from the area. While many were hit by the blue stream, witnesses said there were no demonstrators around when the incident occurred.
"After the incident our police representative offered (our) sincere apologies to the Chief Imam and the Muslim community leaders," stated Cheuk Hau-yip.
On Monday, Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam met with members of the muslim community alongside Police Commissioner Stephen Lo to apologise for the incident.
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