
UK: Extinction Rebellion activists protest outside London Fashion Week venue

5 15.09.2019
W/S Extinction Rebellion activists blocking road, London
M/S Banner reading "Total greenhouse gas emission from textile production is more than those of all international flights and maritime shipping combined"
M/S Activist chanting through loudspeaker
M/S Activists holding banner
SOT, environmental activist: "It is completely unnecessary to carry on the way we are carrying on and we just can't do it anymore."
W/S Activists blocking road
C/U Banner reading "Fashion = Ecocide"
SOT, environmental activist: "We are here protesting the constant driving of consumption that fashion week represents and the persistent efforts of everybody to look like celebrities and buy into that culture, and make stories which are about the latest colour or the latest jacket when in fact the main story should be the climate emergency that we are facing."
M/S Guest arriving for the fashion show
M/S Fashion photographer and activists having heated debate
W/S Fashion photographer and activists having heated debate
W/S Guests arriving for fashion show
C/U Guests waiting in line
W/S Guests arriving for fashion show
C/U Guests waiting in the queue for the fashion show
W/S Activists holding banner in front of fashion show venue
W/S Activist with banners
W/S Activists holding banners
Activists from environmental movement Extinction Rebellion staged a fresh protest denouncing 'fast fashion' in London on Sunday. Footage shows demonstrators blocking roads and holding banners outside the London Fashion Week's venue.
"We are here protesting the constant driving of consumption that fashion week represents and the persistent effort for everybody to look like celebrities and buy into that culture, and make stories which are about the latest colour or the latest jacket when in fact the main story should be the climate emergency that we are facing," said one of activists.
Protesters criticised the fashion industry for its contribution to climate change with one banner reading "Total greenhouse gas emission from textile production is more than those of all international flights and maritime shipping combined".
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