
Syria: Civilians flee Ras al-Ayn as Turkey's offensive continues

0 21.10.2019
W/S Ambulance and aid workers, near Tal Tamr
M/S First aid vehicles
W/S Ambulance and aid workers
W/S Cars driving by
W/S Van drives past flags outside Tal Tamr
M/S Flags and billboard outside Tal Tamr
M/S First aid vehicle and aid workers
M/S First aid vehicles
W/S Truck approaching check point
M/S Soldier
W/S Trucks with civilians
W/S Residents on motorcycle
W/S Vehicles driving by
SOT, Abta Abdelghani, Ras al-Ayn resident (Arabic): "They claimed the fighting would stop but it didn't, we are attacked on a daily basis, we flew Ras al-Ayn, people from nearby villages want to leave but nowhere to go, we are leaving to nowhere and we are hungry, we cannot stay at home. They said it will stop but it didn't, airplanes are still coming, they said they will go back but they didn't."
W/S Vehicles driving by
SOT, David Eubank, Founder of Free Burma Rangers group: "This is our second trip in Ras al-Ayn to get our wounded and civilians, and we went today through to the Free Syrian Army, they did not shoot at us, we got the civilians and wounded out, every age from small babies to old people, carried them out, and on the way out the Free Syrian Army is chanting Allahu Akbar, we just smiled and waved. So I thank god that everyone got out, and that there is an open space and I pray that America and Turkey and others would come up with better solutions and not abandon the Kurds, this is a big mistake by America to lie and abandon the Kurds but we can come back and help these people and that is my hope."
M/S Aid workers
M/S First aid vehicles
W/S Trucks with civilians
W/S Vehicles driving by
M/S Residents leaving on trucks
W/S First aid vehicles
Footage filmed on Sunday, shows civilians who fled Ras al-Ayn due to Turkey's continuing military offensive passing through a checkpoint near Tal Tamr in northern Syria.
"They claimed the fighting would stop but it didn't, we are attacked on a daily basis, we fled Ras al-Ayn, people from nearby villages want to leave but nowhere to go, we are leaving to nowhere." Abta Abdelghani, a former resident of Ras al-Ayn said.
Aid workers could also be seen providing assistance to civilians on their way to leave their homes. David Eubank, founder of the Free Burma Rangers group said "This is our second trip in Ras al-Ayn to get our wounded and civilians and we went today through the Free Syrian Army, they did not shoot at us, we got the civilians and wounded out, every age from small babies to old people, carried them out."
Turkey's military offensive, dubbed ‘Operation Peace Spring’ began on October 9, days after the White House announced a withdrawal of US troops from the area. Ankara says the aim of the offensive is to establish a 'safe zone' in north eastern Syria.
The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs estimates over 130,000 people have been displaced from the Syrian-Turkish border area since the start of the Turkish offensive.
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