
UN: Security Council urges Ankara to 'declare a ceasefire immediately' in Syria

5 16.10.2019
W/S Permanent Representative of South Africa to United Nations and President of Security Council Jerry Matthews Matjila walking to podium, New York City
SOT, Jerry Matthews Matjila, Permanent Representative of South Africa to the United Nations and President of the Security Council: "So, the Council expressed deep concern over the risk of the dispersion of terrorists from UN designated groups including ISIL and are also very concerned over the risk of further deterioration of the humanitarian situation."
W/S EU representatives at stakeout *CUTAWAY*
SOT, Christoph Heusgen, Permanent Representative of Germany to the United Nations: "We, the six of us, recalled the conclusions of the Foreign Affairs Council on Monday in which the EU and its member states condemned Turkey's unilateral military action in northeast Syria and urged Turkey to cease it. We deeply regret that Turkey has not responded yet to these repeated appeals from its allies. We do not believe Turkey's unilateral military action will resolve its underlining security concerns. Turkey's unilateral military action seriously undermines the stability and security of the whole region, resulting in more civilian suffering, displacement and to severe hindering access to humanitarian assistance."
W/S EU representatives at stakeout *CUTAWAY*
SOT, Christoph Heusgen, Permanent Representative of Germany to the United Nations: "Turkey is a key partner of the European Union and NATO ally and a critically important actor in the Syrian crisis and the region. We recognize Turkey's important role as a host country of Syrian refugees. We remain committed to the unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Syrian state. These can be assured only through a genuine political transition in line with the Security Council resolution 2254 and the 2012 Geneva communique."
W/S Permanent Representative of the US to the United Nations Kelly Craft walking to podium *CUTAWAY*
SOT, Kelly Craft, Permanent Representative of the US to the United Nations: "Turkey's military offensive into northeast Syria is undermining the campaign to defeat ISIS, endangering innocent civilians, and threatening peace, security, and stability in the region. We have made it clear with Turkey that any actions in northeast Syria in violation of international law, including international humanitarian law, are unacceptable. This includes but is not limited to targeting the Kurdish population, religious minorities including Christians, and civilian infrastructure, and ensuring that no humanitarian crisis takes place. Officials and individuals responsible for human rights abuses will be and must be held accountable."
M/S Craft at stakeout
SOT, Kelly Craft, Permanent Representative of the US to the United Nations: "We continue to call on Turkey to take the following critical steps: cease undermining the campaign to defeat ISIS, cease endangering civilians, cease threatening peace, security, and stability in the region and cease its offensive and declare a ceasefire immediately. Thank you [Craft leaving]."
W/S UN Headquarters in New York City
After a closed meeting on the Turkish military operation in Syria, the member states of the UN Security Council presented a common statement on Wednesday in New York's headquarters, urging Ankara to immediately declare a ceasefire.
The German representative to the UN Christoph Heusgen expressed 'deep regret' that Ankara ignored the collective message issued on Monday by 28 EU member states, condemning the military incursion and calling President Erdogan to cease it.
The US envoy Kelly Craft stressed that Ankara's offensive goes against the international law, increasing the terrorism threat and aggravating the humanitarian situation: "Turkey's military offensive into northeast Syria is undermining the campaign to defeat ISIS, endangering innocent civilians, and threatening peace, security, and stability in the region. We have made it clear with Turkey that any actions in northeast Syria in violation of international law, including international humanitarian law, are unacceptable".
During the European Union's FM meeting on Monday, the member states took a commitment to freeze all the arms export deals to Ankara as a sanction for the offensive started on October 9.
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