
USA: Trump 'disagrees' with supporters chanting 'send her back' at Ilhan Omar

2 19.07.2019
M/S US President Donald Trump sitting in Oval office, Washington D.C. *UPSOUND* Journalist: "Mr. President, if I may, when your supporters last night were chanting send her back. Why didn't you stop them? Why didn't you ask them to stop saying that?"
SOT, Donald Trump, US President: "Well number one, I think I did. I started speaking very quickly. It really was a loud, I disagreed with it by the way, but it was quite a chant and I felt a little bit badly about it. But I will say this, I did, and I started speaking very quickly. But it started up rather, rather fast as you probably noticed.
*UPSOUND* Journalist: "So you'll tell your supporters never to say that again?"
SOT, Donald Trump, US President: "Well I would say that, I was not happy with it. I disagree with it. But again, I didn't say, I didn't say that, they did. But I disagree with it.
*UPSOUND* Journalist: "But they were echoing what you said in your first tweet, that they should go back."
SOT, Donald Trump, US President: "Well I don't think if you examine it, I don't think you'll find that. But I disagree with it. Anybody else?"
M/S Trump in Oval Office *UPSOUND* Journalist: "Mr. President, why did they do it? Why did they do it?"
SOT, Donald Trump, US President: "You'd have to ask them. You'd have to ask them, John. What I would suggest as to, I was not happy with it but what I would suggest, you go there, go to North Carolina and you ask the people why did they say that. But that's what they said, that's what they did."
*UPSOUND* Journalist: "But you'll stop them if they try to do it again?
SOT, Donald Trump, US President: "Well I didn't like that they did it and I started speaking very quickly. I could have, I could have stood back, excuse me. Really? If you would have heard, there was a tremendous amount of noise and action and everything else. I started very quickly and I think you know that. Well, I know maybe you're giving me too much credit. You're used to giving me too much credit. Thank you everybody. Thank you. I will try, I would certainly try, yeah."
US President Donald Trump said that he 'disagrees' with his supporters who chanted 'send her back' when he mentioned Democratic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar's name during a rally in North Carolina on Wednesday. Trump was asked to comment on the incident in the Oval Office on Thursday.
The US president added: "It was quite a chant and I felt a little bit badly about it. But I will say this, I did, and I started speaking very quickly. But it started up rather, rather fast as you probably noticed."
Trump responded positively to the question of a journalist on whether he will ask his supporters "never to say that again," merely reiterating that he disagrees with the chant.
The US President sparked controversy over the weekend with a series of tweets seemingly aimed at new Democratic congresswomen Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, Ayanna Pressley and Ilhan Omar that were widely condemned as racist. He wrote that the representatives - three of whom were born in the US and all American citizens - should "go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came." Those comments were echoed by numerous public statements throughout the week, questioning the partiotism of the so-called 'Squad'.
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