
Spain: Barcelona cleans up aftermath of car fires

1 17.10.2019
W/S Municipal workers cleaning up aftermath of fire, Carrer de Roger de Flor, Barcelona
W/S Municipal workers cleaning up aftermath of fire
C/U Street cleaning vehicle
M/S Street cleaning vehicle
W/S Municipal workers cleaning up aftermath of fire
C/U Charred debris
M/S Municipal workers cleaning up aftermath of fire
W/S Charred debris on street
SOT, Ana Maria, Barcelona resident (Spanish): "We think they are infiltrated people, with political gorups as well, who want there to be scandal and terrorism here. This is manufactured in a certain way. 99 percent of us Catalans are peaceful. There is a minority of radical people who may have acted but above all we believe that they are parties like Citizens that live for conflict, that are created for conflict."
M/S Remains of burnt motorbike
M/S Remains of burnt car
W/S Remains of burnt car on back of lorry
W/S Municipal workers in front of charred debris
W/S Remains of burnt car on lorry
SOT, Albert, Barcelona resident (Spanish): "When I arrived I saw all this. Flames and five cars burning, a container near home burning, the tree. There were firefighters, police, I don't know."
C/U Burnt intercom
W/S Street
SOT, Albert, Barcelona resident (Spanish): "We have to defend our politicians, taking to the streets, doing walks from Tarragona, protesting. But [we should] never putting the people of my city and my city, that we love so much, in danger."
M/S Excavator removing debris from street
M/S Excavator removing debris from street
SOT, Laura, Barcelona citizen (Spanish): "Everyone has the right to demonstrate, but peacefully. Because here they are destroying the city. It was a beautiful city with a lot of tourism and now people think a lot before coming to Barcelona."
M/S Excavator loading debris into truck
M/S Excavator loading debris into truck
C/U Water being sprayed on street to clean it
M/S Melted remains on road
W/S Municipal workers cleaning up aftermath of fire
W/S Debris and garbage
C/U Charred debris smouldering
W/S Charred debris
W/S Charred debris in middle of street
Municipal maintenance workers were hard at work in Barcelona's Carrer de Roger de Flor on Thursday to clean up the aftermath of a fire that engulfed several vehicles the evening before.
Wednesday's fires happened as police and demonstrators clashed for the third straight day in the city, after the Spanish Supreme Court sentenced Catalan independence leaders to between nine and 13 years in prison on Monday.
Barcelona resident Ana Maria deemed the fires to be the work of "infiltrated people, with political groups as well, who want there to be scandal and terrorism here." "This is manufactured in a certain way. 99 percent of us Catalans are peaceful. There is a minority of radical people who may have acted but above all we believe that they are parties like Citizens that live for conflict, that are created for conflict."
"Everyone has the right to demonstrate, but peacefully. Because here they are destroying the city," fellow local Laura said.
Spain's Supreme Court convicted twelve independence leaders, including former Catalan Vice President Oriol Junqueras, for their role in the autonomous region's attempt to secession and holding an illegal independence referendum.
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