
Germany: Thousands stand 'indivisible' in Berlin's anti-far right march

1 13.10.2019
W/S People gathering at Bebelplatz, Berlin
M/S People holding Israeli flag
C/U Jewish people
M/S Man talking on stage
C/U Jewish people
M/S Demonstrators
M/S Man holding wooden Star of David
M/S People holding banner with names of victims of racism since 1990 in Germany
SOT, Ingmar Pech, Protester: "These are the names of all the people who were killed by racist or facist people since 1990 in Germany, and it's important for us to give the name so that they are not forgotten. It's important to show how much terror has happened in Germany, right-wing terror all over the time and we have to do something against it."
C/U Name of Halle shooting victim Kevin S. on banner
M/S Banner with names
SOT, Rita, 'Grandmothers against the Right' member: "We are standing here because we think it is very important to do whatever you can for democracy, against right way [wing] of thinking, and against right wing movement, against racism, against any kind of superiority."
M/S Group of Grandmothers against Right' holding banner
M/S Group of Grandmothers against Right' holding signs
M/S Girls holding signs
SOT, Demonstrator (German): "We have to be careful in Germany now. Every time violence comes from fascism, racism, homophobia or other hate [groups] against people, we should stay together, so we can speak against it."
M/S Demonstrators clapping
C/U Girl holding banner reading 'Solidarity will win'
W/S People observing minute of silence for victims of Halle attack
C/U People observing minute of silence for victims of Halle attack
W/S People marching towards New Synagogue
W/S People marching towards New Synagogue
M/S People marching and holding sign
M/S People marching and holding banner
C/U People marching
W/S Protesters
C/U Man taking picture
W/S People marching
W/S People arriving at Synagogue
M/S Synagogue
More than 200,000 protesters reportedly took to the streets of Berlin on Sunday, to protest against right-wing violence, anti-Semitism and racism under the slogan 'indivisible'.
Footage shows demonstrators gathering at Bebelplatz square, holding signs, banners and Jewish symbols, before making their way towards the New Synagogue located in the neighbourhood of Mitte.
Attendees also observed a minute of silence for the victims of the Halle attack.
"We are standing here because we think it is important to do whatever you can for democracy... and against right wing movement, against racism, against any kind of superiority", said Rita, a member of 'Grandmothers against the Right'.
The 'indivisible' protest, comes only a few days after a 27-year old man opened fire outside a synagogue in the eastern German city of Halle killing two people, in what has been acknowledged a far-right terror attack by German Justice Minister Christine Lambrecht.
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