
Belgium: Russia-Ukraine gas contract to be based on EU law – European Commission

2 19.09.2019
W/S Vice-President of the European Commission Maros Sefcovic at press-conference
SOT, Maros Sefcovic, Vice-President of the European Commission: "Firstly, and I think that's very important, we agreed in principle that the future contract will be based on EU law and on EU rules. We have clearly described to Russian delegation how Ukraine is gradually implementing European law and energy rules, and we agreed that the future contract must respect all European regulations in this matter."
W/S Maros Sefcovic on press-conference *CUTAWAY*
SOT, Maros Sefcovic, Vice-President of the European Commission: "I am glad that we managed to create positive, working, constructive atmosphere between the ministers, minister Novak and minister Orzhel. We agreed that they and the companies would also continue the discussion on bilateral levels to hammer out all these difficult and interlinked issues, and that we would resume our meeting at the political level by the end of October."
M/S Journalist at press-conference
W/S Maros Sefcovic at press-conference
Vice-President of the European Commission Maros Sefcovic stated in Brussels on Thursday, that the next gas supply contract between Moscow and Kiev should be based on the European Union legal system, following the trilateral gas talks in Belgium.
"We have clearly described to Russian delegation how Ukraine is gradually implementing European law and energy rules, and we agreed that the future contract must respect all European regulations in this matter," he highlighted.
The Vice-President went on to say that the discussion between the Russian and Ukrainian energy ministers will resume "on bilateral levels" and the next trilateral meeting is scheduled for the end of October.
Earlier on Thursday, Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak commented on the talks saying that Russia is ready for the new contract to be based on the European legal system.
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