
Iran: 'Learn from this warning' – Rouhani on Saudi oil attacks

2 18.09.2019
W/S Iranian President Hassan Rouhani during cabinet meeting in Tehran
SOT, Hassan Rouhani, Iranian President (Farsi): "The Yemeni nation is a great, aware, and alert nation. We do not want a conflict to cause another conflict in this region, but who was the initiator? Who started this conflict? Yemenis are not the initiators. Saudi Arabia, the UAE, US, some European countries and the Zionist regime were the ones who started the war in this region and destroyed Yemen." *MULTIPLE SHOTS AT SOURCE*
W/S Meeting *CUTAWAY*
SOT, Hassan Rouhani, Iranian President (Farsi): "Now when they murder people, no one should speak? When they send a huge pile of weapons and ammunition to the region, shouldno one talk? When that person himself confessed that Saudi Arabia spent 400 billion dollars in the US, no one should say anything? But if Yemeni people showed a reaction, Yemenis have not targeted a hospital, a school, or a grocery market [as Saudis did]; they attacked an industrial centre in order to warn you. Learn from this warning and think about putting out the fire in this region." *MULTIPLE SHOTS AT SOURCE*
M/S Meeting *CUTAWAY*
SOT, Hassan Rouhani, Iranian President (Farsi): "Your policy in the region has always been a warmongering policy. Since 18, 19 years ago until now, wherever you entered, including Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and the Persian Gulf region, you have brought insecurity with yourself. For once return and bring peace for the region's nations. Why do you always send gunpowder to the region?"
W/S Meeting *CUTAWAY*
SOT, Hassan Rouhani, Iranian President (Farsi): "It has been 'maximum pressure' until now, and now it is 'maximum accusations'. In fact, the talks are unfounded and you yourself know that such talks are meaningless."
M/S Meeting *CUTAWAY*
SOT, Hassan Rouhani, Iranian President (Farsi): "I'm herewith announcing to US officials that negotiation is impossible with maximum pressure. If you are really seeking to negotiate, all your pressure must be removed. All the world knows what the meaning of negotiation under the condition of pressure is. No countries are ready to talk with you in case of continuation of maximum pressure."
W/S Meeting
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani commented on the recent drone attacks on Saudi oil facilities, claiming that this was a "warning" from Yemenis, speaking at a cabinet meeting in Tehran on Wednesday.
"Who started this conflict? Yemenis are not the initiators. Saudi Arabia, the UAE, US, some European countries and the Zionist regime were the ones who started the war in this region and destroyed Yemen," said the Iranian President.
Rouhani added: "Yemenis have not targeted a hospital, a school, or a grocery market [as Saudis did]; they attacked an industrial centre in order to warn you. Learn from this warning and think about putting out the fire in this region."
The drone attacks took place on September 14 at an oil processing facility in Abqaiq and the Khurais oil field, effectively cutting 5.7 million barrels per day or 5 per cent of global output. Houthi militants operating in Yemen claimed responsibility for the attack. However, US authorities have accused Iran of the attacks, which Iran has rejected.
**RESTRICTIONS: NO Access Israel Media/Persian Language TV Stations Outside Iran/Strictly No Access BBC Persian/VOA Persian/Manoto-1 TV/Iran International**
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