
Norway: Locals react to hijacked ambulance ramming attack in Oslo

2 23.10.2019
W/S Scene of ambulance ramming attack, Oslo
M/S Scene of ambulance ramming attack
SOT, Anniken, local: "I think it's already been said in the news that it's not the case, so we don't know that yet. I think it would be wrong to speculate on anything at this moment."
M/S Newspapers
C/U Newspaper
W/S Newspaper kiosk
SOT, Osno, local: "I don't think it was a new - what do you call it? - Nazi connection. I don't think so, because the police said today it was only a criminal act. So I think that they were right, I hope."
W/S Scene of ambulance ramming attack *CUTAWAY*
SOT, Emin, local: "Actually I haven't read that much about it, but I'm pretty confident that the police are taking care of it, you know. I heard that it wasn't terrorists, which wasn't my first thought, so. Actually, I don't put that much into it. I don't know, pretty calm about it, weirdly enough. But I just moved here. I've been living in the most quiet place ever, so it's, I don't know, kind of refreshing actually things happening. Not that it's a good thing, of course. I don't take it too seriously."
W/S Scene of ambulance ramming attack *CUTAWAY*
SOT, Bealta, local: "The latest news is that it's someone with quite a lengthy criminal record, enrolled in drugs and violence. So it sounds like just a bad egg, it doesn't sound like it's big right-wing conspiracy terrorist kind of thing. It sounds more like a, just a criminal."
W/S Scene of ambulance ramming attack
M/S Truck driving at scene of ambulance ramming attack
W/S Newspaper kiosk facade
C/U Newspaper
M/S Newspapers
W/S Newspaper kiosk
W/S Train station entrance
Residents of Oslo reacted on Wednesday to the hijacked ambulance ramming attack that took place in the Norwegian capital the previous day.
One of the locals, Emin, said "actually I haven't read that much about it, but I'm pretty confident that the police are taking care of it, you know. I heard that it wasn't terrorists, which wasn't my first thought."
Bealta, another resident, shared that "the latest news is that it's someone with quite a lengthy criminal record, enrolled in drugs and violence. So it sounds just like a bad egg, it doesn't sound like it's big right-wing conspiracy terrorist kind of thing."
Footage shows the scene of the attack, and various kiosk newspaper covers.
On Tuesday, an armed man reportedly hijacked an ambulance and rammed in into pedestrians.
Several people, including two infants, were injured after the hijacked vehicle hit an elderly couple and a mother with twins in a stroller. The children were taken to hospital where they are receiving medical treatment, media reports say.
The police arrested the assailant after firing shots and wounding him. According to the police, the attacker was not critically injured.
Potential links with far-right extremists are reportedly being investigated.
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