
UK: Tommy Robinson appears in court facing football ban for punching fan

5 18.10.2019
M/S Tommy Robinson greets supporters near Luton Magistrates Court
M/S Robinson heading to Luton Magistrates Court
C/U Luton Magistrates Court sign
M/S Robinson leaving Luton Magistrates Court
M/S Robinson leaving Luton Magistrates Court
SOT, Ezra Levant, Tommy Robinson's lawyer: "Today was a 35- minute hearing, it was a case management hearing for Tommy Robinson's trial. He is being prosecuted by the Crime Prosecution service. They try to ban him from all the football games in the UK. Tommy loves football, especially his hometown team in Luton. Today's hearing was not a substantive hearing, but rather a planning meeting. So they have set down two trial days: January 17th for some preliminary matters including the admissibility of the video evidence, that's what they are going to argue there, and then the main trial will be on March 24th - that will be the main hearing."
M/S Robinson declining to give statement as he leaves court
M/S Robinson leaving
SOT, Robinson supporter: "I think he is an amazing family man and I think it would be absolutely ludicrous if he gets banned from football. At the end of the day, whatever happened in Portugal, there was no arrest, was nothing like that, so I don't even know why he is here today."
C/U Badge reading 'Tommy Robinson'
C/U Badge reading: 'Patriotism is not a crime'
SOT, Robinson supporter: "Went to prison for no reason, to ban him from football for no reason, just because they started chanting his name on the football grounds, it's just something he enjoys. It's called persecution of Tommy Robinson in the United Kingdom. It's an actual disgrace."
C/U Supporter's t-shirt reading 'I am Tommy'
W/S Luton Magistrates Court general view
Former far-right English Defence League (EDL) leader Tommy Robinson appeared in Luton Magistrates Court on Friday for a case management hearing as he potentially faces a ban from all football games in the UK and abroad, after allegedly punching a man outside a match in June.
Robinson's lawyer Ezra Levant confirmed the meeting had an organisational character and explained the next steps in the case: "So they have set down two trial days: January 17th for some preliminary matters including the admissibility of the video evidence, that's what they are going to argue there, and then the main trial will be on March 24th - that will be the main hearing."
Tommy's supporters gathered in front of the court before the hearing wearing T-shirts and badges to proclaiming their support. One of them expressed her indignation saying "I think he is an amazing family man and I think it would be absolutely ludicrous if he gets banned from football. At the end of the day, whatever happened in Portugal, there was no arrest, was nothing like that, so I don't even know why he is here today."
Robinson, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, allegedly punched another man outside the Nations League semi-final game between England and Netherlands in the Portuguese city of Guimaraes in June. Robinson says he acted in self-defence.
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