
Ecuador: Quito erupts in joy after gov. scraps decree removing fuel subsidies

4 14.10.2019
W/S Quito residents celebrating, Quito
M/S Quito residents celebrating with Ecuadorian flag; fireworks
M/S Quito residents celebrating
C/U Quito residents chanting
M/S Quito residents celebrating
M/S Quito residents chanting
M/S Quito residents on truck
M/S Quito residents chanting; Quito resident banging on pot lid
C/U Quito residents chanting; Quito resident banging on pot lid
M/S Quito residents chanting
M/S Quito residents chanting; Quito resident holding Ecuadorian flag
M/S Quito residents celebrating
M/S Quito residents celebrating
M/S Quito residents celebrating
C/U Quito residents chanting
M/S Quito residents chanting
C/U Quito residents chanting
W/S Quito residents; flames
C/U Quito resident with Ecuadorian flag
M/S Quito residents; flames
SOT, Francisco Roque, Quito resident (Spanish): "We are now happy, always. Although we have lost many human beings, the blood of the Ecuadorians has been spilled, today we are happy, mostly for the winners, the winners forever, and we will not stop there. This is a defeat [for them] thanks to the president who listened to us, the Ecuadorians."
W/S Quito residents *CUTAWAY*
SOT, Alex Vega, Quito resident (Spanish): "It is a pride that the fundamental part of Ecuador is the indigenous movement, those politicians, those ministers are not going to take the victory as if it's nothing."
W/S Quito residents *CUTAWAY*
SOT, Raverso Dasatan, Quito resident (Spanish): "We have won. We have beat them, and this government does not have to continue mistreating us as indigenous people. We are all brothers."
W/S Quito residents
Quito erupted in joy after the country's government reached an accord with indigenous leaders to withdraw a decree that would restore fuel subsidies in the Ecuadorian capital on Sunday.
The talks, which were broadcast live on state television, came amid a wave of violent protests over the introduction of an austerity package, known as Decree 883, that included the elimination of fuel subsidies.
One Quito resident noted, "We are now happy," adding that "this is a defeat [for them] thanks to the president who listened to us, the Ecuadorians."
The new economic measure was introduced by Ecuadorian President Lenin Moreno to satisfy a $4.2 billion (€3.8 billion) lending requirement of the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
The two sides will reportedly start talks to draft a new package of economic measures in a bid to reduce the country's deficits and strengthen its fiscal position.
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