
Syria: Displaced Syrians return to homes in Hama, Idlib provinces

3 16.09.2019
W/S Car going under bridge as sign under bridge reads in Arabic: "Town of Morek welcomes you", Morek
M/S People holding Syrian flags out of vehicle
W/S Soldiers and civilians standing next to vehicles
M/S Children and women in buses
W/S Cars lined up on road
M/S Children and women inside vehicle
W/S Cars lined up on road
M/S Children waving out of vehicle
SOT, Resident (Arabic): "We used to live in peace but we were forced to leave, but thank God today we are back with pride. We are so happy, I hope that we'll be able to make it [the town] better than before."
M/S People standing on road
W/S Cars lined up on road
SOT, Resident (Arabic): "We left our town in December 2013 because of the presence of many armed gangs there. We suffered from the displacement, the rent was so expensive to pay. We went to safe zones that are controlled by the Syrian state in order to have a better education for our children. God willing, all these people will return to their villages. I hope that Syrian people will be able to live in peace and love."
W/S Civilians and taxi in town
M/S Children among civilians
M/S People standing next to doorway
W/S People walking on street
W/S People and vehicles in town
Displaced Syrians returned to their hometowns and villages in the northern Hama and southern Idlib countryside on Sunday.
Footage filmed in the Syrian town of Morek shows long queues of cars amid the returns. One of the returnee expressed happiness about going back to his hometown, saying, "We are so happy, I hope that we'll be able to make it [the town] better than before."
According to the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA), thousands of people have returned to their homes through the Souran corridor in the northern countryside of Hama. On Saturday, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) also reportedly opened the Abu al-Duhour corridor.
The returns come amid the Syrian government's efforts to return displaced people to their homes. The past weeks have seen the SAA regain control of several strategic towns in Hama and Idlib provinces, including Khan Sheikhoun, Kafr Zita and Al-Lataminah.
The SAA resumed military operations in Hama and Idlib provinces last month, accusing the militants of failing to abide by the conditions of a ceasefire declared on August 1.
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