
France: 'We are Amazonians' - Macron calls for action to battle Amazon fires

4 24.08.2019
SOT, Emmanuel Macron, French President (French): "The forest is called the Amazon. The Amazon is our common good. This concerns us all. France more than some others at this table because we are Amazonians. French Guyana is in the Amazon. On this topic, we will not only launch a call to act but also mobilisation of powers who are present and in partnership with Amazon countries. This will be done in order to invest in order to stop this fire and help Brazil and other countries involved.
SOT, Emmanuel Macron, French President (French): *TRANSLATION TO FOLLOW*
SOT, Emmanuel Macron, French President (French): *TRANSLATION TO FOLLOW*
SOT, Emmanuel Macron, French President (French): *TRANSLATION TO FOLLOW*
Ahead of the G7 summit French President Emmanuel Macron gave a statement in Biarritz where he urged for the mobilisation "of powers who are present" to stop the fire raging in the Amazon forest on Saturday.
French President Emmanuel Macron said that he was launching a "call to act" to combat the forest fires raging in across the Amazon rainforest, adding that the French are also "Amazonians," during a statement he gave in Biarritz ahead of the G7 summit on Saturday.
"France more than some others at this table because we are Amazonians. French Guiana is in the Amazon. On this topic, we will not only launch a call to act but also mobilisation of powers who are present and in partnership with Amazon countries. This will be done in order to invest in order to stop this fire and help Brazil and other countries involved," Macron said.
The Amazon forest fires are on the agenda of the G7 summit as a record number of fires have been raging through the Amazon rainforest over the past weeks. The majority of the rainforest is located in Brazil but it also stretches into Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Bolivia, Guyana, French Guiana and Suriname.
Brazil's National Institute for Space Research has recorded nearly 73,000 fires since the beginning of 2019, an 84 percent jump compared to the same time last year.
The G7 summit kicks off in Biarritz on Saturday and will run from August 24 to August 26 and will see world leaders discuss topics including tackling global inequality, the US-China trade dispute, the Hong Kong protests and the climate crisis.
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